
Wednesday 28 December 2016

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28-12-2016: Westminster Abbey

Right … 

I’m officially back at work, today.

And … ?

Well, I’m actually looking forward to it.

It’d be nice to get back into the swing of things.

All I can hope … ?

Is that, given the recent amount of celebrity deaths, that everyone’s still upright and breathing.


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s themed questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 28th December saw the consecration of the original Westminster Abbey.   In which year: 1064, 1065 or 1066?
Q2) Which king commissioned it: Edward the Confessor, Ethelred the Unready, Richard the Lionheart or Ludwig the Tree?
Q3) Which King ordered the current version built: Henry 2nd, Henry 3rd or Henry 4th?
Q4) The Abbey’s in which part of London: the City of London, Hackney or Westminster?
Q5) Traditionally, British monarchs have done what in the abbey: been buried, got married or been crowned?
Q6) Is the Abbey an abbey … or a cathedral?
Q7) Westminster is dedicated to whom: Saint Peter, Saint Paul or Saint Joseph?
Q8) John Hall is the senior churchman in charge of Westminster Abbey.   What office does he hold?
Q9) Poets, writers and musicians are buried in the Abbey: in Poet’s Corner.   Who was the first literary figure buried there?
Q10) Finally … One feature of the Abbey was built by Harrison and Harrison.   Which feature?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 27th December, 1927, saw the debut of the musical, Showboat.   Who wrote the lyrics for the musical?
A1) Oscar Hammerstein 2nd.
Q2) The 29 original members signed the treaty that created the IMF.   The IMF is the International Monetary … what?
A2) Fund.
Q3) Britain’s first oil rig, Sea Gem, collapsed: on 27th December, 1965.   The rig was in which sea?
A3) The North Sea.
Q4) 27th December, 1977, saw the original UK release of Star Wars.   What’s the name of the Star Wars spin off, released in 2016?
A4) Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
Q5) Finally … 27th December, 537, saw the completion of the Hagia Sophia church.   The church is in which city?
A5) Istanbul.
I’ll leave you with this …
“It is eerie being all but alone in Westminster Abbey. Without the tourists, there are only the dead, many of them kings and queens. They speak powerfully and put my thoughts into vivid perspective.”
AN Wilson.
And, as it’s performed by the Abbey’s choir?   This … 

Have a good day.

Let’s hope no-one joins Carrie … 

*        Olga, if you’re a robot, I’m a duck!   Yes, you managed to put the answers in twice: I think Google’s doing some jiggery pokery … !   At ANY rate … ?   Cue the music … 

†        OK … Have you tried turning Comcast off and on again, Debbi … ?   At ANY rate … ?   I was going to tactfully not mention age … !


  1. Q1) 1065
    Q2) Edward the Confessor
    Q3) Henry 3rd
    Q4) City of Westminster
    Q5) Been crowned (although it seems quite a few are also buried there)
    Q6) Is the Abbey an abbey … or a cathedral? It seems neither. A Church of England "Royal Peculiar" (responds only directly to the crown)
    Q7) Saint Peter
    Q8) Dean
    Q9) Geoffrey Chaucer
    Q10) The organ
    I'm not saying anything else about this year...

  2. Oh, that wasn't it. Comcast confirmed that they had an outage.

    And it was all over Twitter. Apparently. :)

    1. 1065
    2. Edward the Confessor
    3. Henry 3rd
    4. Westminster
    5. been crowned
    6. abbey
    7. Saint Peter
    8. Dean
    9. Chaucer
    10. the organ


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