
Friday 6 January 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6-1-2017,

Oh, they’re having puppies … !

You’ll recall that — on Tuesday night — my internet connection went down: seeming as a result of an outage BT were having.

By Wednesday?

This still hadn’t corrected itself: and that I was told — on Wednesday — the problem was my router.   I was also told I’d be getting a new one: free of charge.

By today, at the latest: but by yesterday at 6, at best.   Indeed, BT sent me a text message to say so.

I rang them to chase this up.

And … ?

It turns out the relevant routers were out of stock: and that a replacement would be with me … 

By Monday … 

By … soddin’ Monday … !

Can someone ask BT to get a bloody GRIP … !

But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mr Strict*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 6th January is the date of which Christian holiday: Christmas Day, Epiphany or Saint Bartlebury’s Day?
Q2) 6th January, 2000, saw the NHS struggle: whilst disease spread through the UK.   Which disease: ’Flu, AIDS or Distemper?
Q3) 6th January, 1967, saw the birth of composer, A. R. Rahman.   For which 2008 film did he receive two Academy Awards?
Q4) In a battle between Britain and Frances, 6th January, 1781, saw British forces prevent the French take where: Jersey, Guernsey or Sark?
Q5) Finally … What state was admitted to the US, on 6th January, 1912?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 5th January, 1933, saw construction of what, start: the Empire State building, the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam?
Q2) During the Troubles, the Royal Ulster Constabulary raided the Bogside: on 5th January, 1969.   The Bogside is an area of which Northern Irish city?
A2) Derry: also called Londonderry.
Q3) 5th January, 1932, saw the birth of writer, Umberto Eco.   Which of his novels was turned into a film with Sean Connery and Cristian Slater?
Q4) 5th January, 1919, saw the founding of what was then called the German Workers Party.   It would later achieve notoriety … as the what party?
A4) The Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or Nazi Party.
Q5) Finally … President Dwight Eisenhower made a speech, on 5th January, 1957: outlining what’s now called the Eisenhower Doctrine.   The Doctrine promised military or financial aid.   To countries where: Eastern Europe, South America or the Middle East?
A5) The Middle East.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“I felt a lump in my throat as the ball went in.”
Terry Venables, born 6th January, 1943.
And a tune … 

Have a good day … !

*        Oh, it’s OK, Mr S^: I THINK I’ve found an ethernet cable on Amazon!

†        Fair enough, Olga^: best bet’s to DM me on Twitter!   Hopefully, the new router will sort things out … once it gets here … !

‡        ‘Luck,’ Debbi^, doesn’t even begin to start … !   I’m still due a phone call, this afternoon: to help me set the thing up.   It gets here, Monday … … … 

^        Would anyone like to start humming the theme to Brazil?   It’s one of those situations … 


  1. Q1) Epiphany
    Q2) Flu
    Q3) Slumdog Millionaire
    Q4) Jersey
    Q5) New Mexico
    Thanks. I'm starting to think that Brazil isn't daring enough... ;)

  2. 1. Epiphany
    2. Flu
    3. Slumdog Millionaire
    4. Jersey
    5. New Mexico

    If you haven't asked for credit for all the times your router has been replaced, you need to. Tell them you missed out on a job interview, because you didn't have internet to read the email a company sent you. I did this with our previous ISP. After talking to a supervisor & threatening to go with another company, I ended up getting 3 months free internet. When the router went out 6 months later, I signed up with another ISP and have had no problems for almost 3 years now.

  3. Maybe Robert DeNiro will show up and fix your problem. :)

    1. Epiphany
    2. flu
    3. Slumdog Millionaire
    4. Jersey
    5. New Mexico


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