
Thursday 23 February 2017

Mr Robot — Series 1 Episodes 7 and 8 — eps1.6_v1ew-s0urce.flv and eps1.7_wh1ter0se.m4v

23rd February, 2017.

Thursdays … 

Thursdays, Thursdays … 

Thursdays … … !

You have to love a day off, don’t you … ?

Especially if, like me, you don’t get many.

You tend to value the chance to catch up with your favourite TV shows, if nothing else.

I do, at any rate.

Right at the moment?

One of those shows is Mr Robot.

And, as you might have guessed?

I’ve caught two more episodes, tonight.


Episode 7 — eps1.6_v1ew-s0urce.flv — starts with a flashback: showing us how Eliot (Rami Malek) first met the now murdered Shayla, when she moved in next door.

And, in the main body of the episode?   Shows us Angela meeting the disgraced formed Evil Corp Chief Technology Officer: to offer him a deal in order to secure his testimony in a up an coming court case.

Also sees the villainous Tyrell making a move on his bosses wife: with fatal results for her.

And ALSO … sees Eliot finally opening up to his psychiatrist, Krista: played by Gloria Reuben.

Just not in the way she expects … 

Episode 8 — eps1.7_wh1ter0se.m4v — sees Eliot back at work: as someone has managed to set up a hack attack on AllSafe, the security firm he works at.

In the midst of all this?   Co worker, Ollie — Ben Rappaport — manages to arrange a meeting between Eliot … and White Rose, the mysterious head of the Dark Army, a hacker group that worked with fsociety.

The episode closes … ?   With a big reveal.

Mr Robot, himself?   Has a closer connection to Eliot, than Eliot thought.

The figure of his dead father, in the family photos he digs up … ?   Looks VERY familiar …


“Now, Paul,” I hear you start, “Are you still enjoying Mr Robot?”

I’d have to say “Yes.”

It’s a riveting little drama that has enough twists and turns to keep me paying attention, a sympathetic central character with an interior life of his own — that he’s happy to share with us — and a recurring character — Mr Robot, himself — that you want to know more about.

About my only worry?

Is that actress Portia Doubleday, who plays Eliot’s childhood friend, Angela?

Looks a bit too much like an anime for my comfort!!

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