
Tuesday 14 February 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-2-2017: Saint Valentine’s Day … 


I’ve managed to pick up an extra shift, this week!

Which is good: it means that — in theory — I can start putting some money away.

Unless, of course … I suddenly need to get trousers.

The way my waistline’s gone, over the years?

You never know WHAT I’d end up buying!

But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring four out of five in the process.   The day also saw Olga† leaving us a hello.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 14th February is Saint Valentine’s Day: in the Roman Catholic, Lutheran and Anglian liturgies.   Many Eastern Orthodox churches celebrate it on July the 6th: and on which other date in July?
Q2) Valentine, himself — the one one usually associated with 14th Feburary — is Saint Valentine of Terni.   Terni is in which European country?
Q3) He’s occasionally depicted with a what: rooster, lamb or gharial?
Q4) Which Spanish city are said to contain the saint’s relics?
Q5) The saint is also patron of which flower: the tulip, the rose or the orchid?
Q6) Jobyna Ralston appeared in the 1924 romantic comedy, Girl Shy.   Opposite whom: Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton or Harold Lloyd?
Q7) Back in 1984, Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner were Romancing the … what?
Q8) Emily Brontë wrote a very well known love story: that Kate Bush sang about.   What love story?
Q9) One of the UK’s most famous publishers, specialize in romantic novels.   Which publisher?
Q10) Finally … the day is celebrated as the Day of the Enamoured: where?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Catherine Howard was executed: on 13th February, 1542.   Whose fifth wife was she?
A1) Henry 8th.
Q2) Patrice Lumumba’s death was announced: on 13th February, 1961.   Which country had he been Prime Minister of?
A2) The Republic of the Congo. (Léopoldville.)
Q3) Israel obtained four of the Dead Sea Scrolls: on 13th February, 1955.   Which Desert were the Scrolls found in: the Negev, Judaean or Zin?
A3) The Judaean.
Q4) On completing a successful nuclear test — on 13th February, 1960 — one European nation became the world’s fourth nuclear power.   Which country are we talking about?
A4) France.
Q5) The Madrid Codices were found, buried, in Spain’s National Library: on 13th February, 1965.   The Codices were by whom?
I’ll leave you with with this thought …
“The opposite of loneliness, it’s not togetherness. It is intimacy.”
Richard Bach.
That thought … 

And possibly the best love song ever written … 

Unless THIS is the best love song ever written …

Which, of course, completely ignores this cover … 

And?   Just because it’s a love gone wrong song … 

Happy Valentine’s Day … 

*        That’s also the best bet, Debbi.   The basic security advise I’ve also seen, always say — regardless of OS — change you passwords as often as possible, and keep stuff updated!   (Oh, and don’t open emails about cheap viagra/winning lottery tickets/what have you.   I keep getting spam folders full of mail from Russian or Thai women who think I’m wonderful … !)

†        It’s worth a wait, I think, Olga.   I’m ALSO very aware that Shaking Hands With Death, his Richard Dimbleby Lecture from a few years ago, is still around.   It’s — still — very powerful stuff.   Much like your family history: which sounds like it has at least one novel in it.   (I know Ian Fleming based some elements of Bond’s career on his naval intelligence career.)

1 comment:

  1. I must be your most devoted teaser fan. Our Internet has been out half the day and it's now 10 p.m. and here I am! :) And I still have to post on my blog! I'd normally be in PJs, reading by now. :)

    1. July 30
    2. Italy
    3. lamb
    4. Madrid
    5. the rose
    6. Harold Lloyd
    7. Stone
    8. Wuthering Heights
    9. Mills & Boon
    10. Portugal


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