
Thursday 2 February 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2-1-2017

Ooooh, but that’s better … 

Did I tell you I’ve had a cold, for the past few days?

I’m blaming the weather: last week was vaguely freezing.

Not nice, in other words.

The happy thing is … ?

I seem to be recovering, right now.

Which is nice.

Frankly, the only thing running faster than my nose was Usain Bolt …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring nine out of ten, and Olga scoring seven.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) The German 6th Army surrendered: on 2nd February, 1943.   Which Soviet city were they fighting in: Volgograd, Stalingrad or Leningrad?
Q2) In parts of Brazil, 2nd February is the day where many celebrate the goddess, Yemanjá.   Those celebrants usually belong to which faith: Candomblé, voodoo or shintoism?
Q3) 2nd February is also the Feast of Our Lady of Candelaria.   Candelaria is on which Spanish island?
Q4) 2nd February is World what day: Wetlands, Deserts or Cheese?
Q5) Finally … 2nd February, 1972, saw protestors in Dublin destroy which country’s embassy?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) Trygve Lie was named as UN Secretary General, on 1st February.   Of which year of the 1940s?
A1) 1946.
Q2) Which country was he from?
A2) Norway.
Q3) In being appointed as the first Secretary General, Lie replaced Gladwyn Jebb.   Jebb was what?
A3) Executive Secretary Preparatory Commission of the United Nations: and Acting Secretary General.
Q4) As Secretary General, Lie would’ve been in charge of what: the UNHCR, UNESCO or the Secretariat?
A4) The Secretariat.
Q5) The Secretary General is His what: Holiness, Excellency or Highness?
A5) Excellency.
Q6) The Secretary General’s official residence is in Sutton Place.   Sutton Place is in which US city?
A6) New York.
Q7) The man who replaced Lie as UN Secretary General was Dag Hammarskjöld.   Hammarskjöld died as a result of a plane crash: in what’s now which ‘Z’?
A7) Zambia.
Q8) Which of Lie’s successors was Burmese?
A8) U Thant.   (The ‘U’ is a Burmese honorific.)
Q9) Which former — and recent — UN Secretary General is Ghanaian?
A9) Kofi Annan.
Q10) Finally … who’s the current holder of the office of Secretary General?
A10) António Guterres.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“When we were courting, I told my wife: ‘I could live in your eyes.’ She said: ‘You’d be at home; there’s a stye in one of them.’”
Les Dawson, 2 February 1931 – 10 June 1993.
And this tune …

Have a good day!

*        I think it’s an idea whose time has come, Olga!   Personally, I think the sooner the better!   (Hang on, I think you missed a few answers, there!)

†        I couldn’t says what Trevor’s going big for, Debbi!   Especially when it comes to queens!   (Oh, I know I’ve mentioned it to Olga: but have you been watching Mr Robot?   I keep thinking the tone’s somewhere between The Prisoner and The Singing Detective.)


  1. Q1) Stalingrad
    Q2) Candomblé
    Q3) Tenerife
    Q4) Wetland
    Q5) Britain
    Did I? I copy the questions into a document and then reply there and cut and paste here but I think it wouldn't be the first time that I haven't blocked the whole segment. I definitely answered the 10 but might not have made it into the box...

  2. a1 Stalingrad

    a2 Candomblé

    a3 Tenerife

    a4 Wetlands

    a5 The British embassy.

    Yes I am fond of queens. Especially these 4 queens which have provided wealth for my home town of Scunthorpe since before I was born. They are still going strong.

    Long may they keep generating wealth in sunny scunny.

  3. Really? I'll have to give it another try. The times I've seen it, it made me think of "Fight Club".

    1. Stalingrad
    2. voodoo
    3. Province of Santa Cruz in the Canary Islands (I hope)
    4. Wetlands
    5. Britain

    Do they show "Wayward Pines" there? That show reminded me of "The Prisoner" in many ways.


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