
Sunday 5 February 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5-2-2017

Blimey … 

That seemed to go … um … 

Well … 

You realise I’ve recently started a new job: one I rather enjoy.

And, yesterday?

Did my first twelve hour shift.

Which went rather well, I think.

But, boy, that’s a long day!


About the only downside?

Was the trip into and out of work.

Under normal circumstances?

I’d get the train from Brentwood to Shenfield, then from Shenfield to Chelmsford.

A relatively quick trip.

However, for the next few months, and starting from yesterday?

The rail replacement buses are in play at the week end: whilst more work’s done on the Crossrail route.

For now, that means my trip into work is:
  • A bus from Brentwood to Shenfield.
  • A bus from Shenfield to Ingatestone.
  • A train from Ingatestone to Chelmsford.
OK, it’s a trip between the same two towns.
  • But it takes about ten minutes longer.
  • It’s a major pain in the proverbial.
  • It goes on until late May.
Sheesh … !


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, and Olga scoring four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 5th February, 1783, saw the first of a series of earthquakes hit Calabria.   Calabria is a region of which European country?
Q2) South Carolina became the second state to ratify the Articles of Confederation: on 5 February, 1778.   What were the articles: the original US Constitution, the original Bill of Rights or the first Presidential Proclamation?
Q3) The Ross Cleveland sunk on 5th February, 1968: off the coast of Iceland.   The trawler was from which UK port?
Q4) Artist and sculptor, H. R. Giger, was born on 5th February, 1940.   What did the H stand for?
Q5) Finally … 5th February, 1946, saw the birth of Charlotte Rampling.   In which science fiction film did she play Consuella?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The first radioactive metal to synthesized — man made, in other words — was made on 4th February, 1936.   What metal was it?
A1) Radium.
Q2) 4th February, 1998, saw an earthquake hit where: Afghanistan, China or Denmark?
Q3) Ceylon became independent of the UK: on 4th February, 1948.   Now called Sri Lanka, what’s the country’s administrative capital?
Q4) Who was named as US President: on 4th February, 1789?
Q5) Finally … the Codex Sinaiticus was discovered in Egypt: on 4th February, 1859.   The book is a version of what: the Koran, the Bible or the Talmud?
A5) The Bible.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“The police are the public and the public are the police.”
Robert Peel, 5 February 1788 – 2 July 1850.
And a nod to the late great Alex Harvey … 

And if that was a typical live performance?

I think I’d’ve killed to see them!

*        Codex Gigas, eh, Olga … ?   I’ve got to admit, I’m wondering if that little legend is where Roman Polanski got the basic idea for The Ninth Gate: the books in it are supposed to have been written by the devil, himself!   And isn’t waiting for the new neighbours a pain?   It’s like a box of chocolates: there’s ALWAYS the horrible, nutty one, that NO-ONE wants … !

†        It’s worth a watch, Debbi.   I always think it could’ve been a lot longer, and got a lot more of the book right, and could WELL have included Thufir Hawat’s death: but it’s a lot closer to the book than Alejandro Jodorowski’s unmade version.   (His version would’ve changed the ending changed the ending: MAJOR heresy, in my book.)

1 comment:

  1. Q1) Italy
    Q2) The Original US Constitution
    Q3) Hull
    Q4) Hans
    Q5) Zardoz (I didn’t remember she was in The Verdict. David Mamet —the subject of my PhD— wrote the script. Pretty good movie too)
    Now that you mention it, yes, the book I read talks about twelve pages going missing (not sure there are 12 but it seems that some pages went missing indeed). I enjoyed that film (not his best, but very entertaining) I guess being about books too helped...


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