
Monday 13 March 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-3-2017

Right then … 

It’s the official start of the working week … 

He say’s … yawning, desperately.

I honestly like my job.


But, boy, those long weekends are tiring.

Well … 

Not so much the weekend … 

As the six o’clock starts … !


Oh, by the way, I had a dream, this morning.

A fragmentary on, at any rate.

I’d bought football tickets — Ha*! — and, it seems, won a prize draw, as a result.

Winning a cheque for £3, 000, 000.

Don’t I just wish … !


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga scoring four out of five, and Debbi — in the lead — with five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, Licence and video … 

Q1) Who was elected Pope: on 13th March, 2013?
Q2) He was elected by a papal … what?
Q3) Tom King was elected as MP, on 13th March, 1970.   This was the first by-election since who were allowed to voted: women, 18 year-olds or dogs?
Q4) 13th March, 1996, was the date of the Dunblane School Massacre: when 16 children and a teacher, were killed by a rampaging gunman called Thomas Hamilton.   Which Wimbledon’s Singles champion survived the shooting?
Q5) 13th March, 1996, was the date of the Dunblane School Massacre: when 16 children and a teacher, were killed by a rampaging gunman called Thomas Hamilton.   Which Wimbledon’s Men’s Doubles champion survived the shooting?
Q6) The price of gold hit $1000 per ounce: on 13th March, 2008.   As of March, 2017, what’s beaten gold’s value: silver, platinum or bitcoin?
Q7) Finally … Which American religious leader was born on 13th March, 1911?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 12th March saw the birth of noted science fiction writer, Harry Harrison.   In which year?
A1) 1925.
Q2) More to the point, one of his best known characters, Slippery Jim DiGriz, was better known as the Stainless Steel … what?
A2) Rat.
Q3) 12th March, 1999, saw the death of Yehudi Menuhin.   Which instrument was he famous for playing?
A3) The violin.
Q4) 12th March is the feast day of Saint Fina of San Gimignano.   Saint Fina is the patron saint of whom: carpenters, spinners or cheesewrights?
A4) Spinners.
Q5) Finally … 12th March, 2015, saw the death of author, Sir Terry Pratchett.   Which character appeared the most often, in Sir Terry’s Discworld novels?
A5) Death.   (Death can be summoned by using the Rite of Ashk’Ente.   Most wizards don’t like using it: the ones who are powerful enough to perform it are fairly old, And don’t want to attract his attention.)
I’ll leave you with a thought …
“It’s a cute acting trick, this whispering, mumbling thing. I realised a long time ago, when people are mumbling or whispering they’re either talking about sex, or money, or lying. So if you’re not doing that, you’d better speak up.”   William H. Macy, born March 13, 1950.
And a song … 

Have a good day.

*        I’m many things: blogger, recovering barman, call centre worker, uncle, brother, Dr Who fan.   But NOT a football fan.   Snooker, yes, football, no.   So winning a draw like that’s is the LAST thing that’s going to happen.   That’s outside the fact I couldn’t afford a ticket to a football match in the first place: even with some of the caps!   Still … £3, 000, 000 … 

†        I might just have to sit down with True Blood, Olga: when I find time!   I think I’ve picked up the impression that either it — or Vampire Diaries — is a bit … um … saucy … which you don’t necessarily need on an empty stomach!   (You know, I could never get the hang of Robert Rodrigez: the whole retro-grindhouse thing him and Tarantino have got, going on, is a bit off-putting!)

‡        I know what you mean, Debbi, I was hopeless at sport at school.   I think that’s part of what put me off.   Still … snooker … … (Oh, 100%, today … )


  1. Q1) Pope Francis
    Q2) Conclave
    Q3) 18 year-olds (These days I think if dogs voted things would improve)
    Q4) Andy Murray
    Q5) Jamie Murray (but I think is mixed doubles, unless I’m reading the wrong thing)
    Q6) Bitcoin
    Q7) L. Ron Hubbard
    I do like Robert Rodriguez (not only because my father's maternal surname was Rodríguez) but I think either you like his type of humour or you don't. True Blood, the series, is indeed quite raunchy (not so much the books where all is left to the imagination) but it has quite a sense of humour, although I didn't watch the whole series. The Vampire Diaries is more directed to a younger audience (although I quite enjoyed it but again stopped watching a long time ago) but it takes itself much more seriously. Everybody is gorgeous in both. I'm a big fan of Anna Paquin since the Piano, and I love the song of True Blood and the opening credits...

  2. OMG, is that THE Charo singing? :) Good Lord!

    1. Pope Francis (born Jorge Mario Bergoglio)
    2. conclave
    3. 18-year-olds
    4. Andy Murray
    5. Andy Murray
    6. platinum
    7. L. Ron Hubbard


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