
Thursday 20 April 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20-4-2017

You know … 

I’ve got the Today programme on, again: on Radio Four.

And, of course, there’s a political interview on the go.

John Humphrys just gave Nigel Farage a beasting, if you’re wondering.

Oh, and a little later on?   Labour MP, Emily Thornberry was interview by Humphrys.

And would not tell anyone what Labour’s position on Brexit.   Which has lost them the election, I think.

My point?

Is that I’ve had vague memories of Spitting Image floating around my head, since I got up.

In amongst songs about chickens?

No-one — politicians in particular — was safe.

To the point where the show’s producer’s were asked NOT to broadcast an election special until AFTER the relevant year’s election.

I have to ask.

Where the hell is Spitting Image, when it’s really needed?


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring four out of five.   It also saw Olga† — busily book-faring — saying hello. 

Let’s see how everyone does with with today’s themed questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 20th April is the UN’s official Chinese Language Day: marking one of the UN’s official languages.   How many official languages does the UN use, in total?
Q2) Name one of the other official languages.
Q3) The date was chosen as it marks the day a mythical Chinese figure supposedly invented what: Chinese calligraphy, Chinese characters or printing?
Q4) Written Chinese is written how: from left to right, or right to left?
Q5) Most educated Chinese people know roughly how many characters: 3000, 4000 or 5000?
Q6) In Standard Chinese, these characters are known as Hanzi.   The name comes from a Chinese Imperial dynasty, and the ethnic group named for the dynasty.   Name either.
Q7) Standard Chinese, itself, is a version of what: Cantonese, Mandarin or Hokkien?
Q8) Standard Chinese is based on the dialect spoken where: Beijing, Shanghai or Nanjing?
Q9) Standard Chinese, and its parent dialect, are the most widely spoken form of Chinese, with some 850 million speakers.   What’s the next most widely spoken version: Wu, Min or Yue?
Q10) Finally … Chinese is a what language: Hmong-Mien, Sino-Tibetan or Austroasiatic?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The small South American town, 19 de Abril, is in which South American country?
A1) Uruguay.
Q2) Urdu and Bengali were recognized as official languages: on 19th April, 1954.   By which country: Bangladesh, Pakistan or India?
A2) Pakistan.
Q3) The first space station was launched on 19th April, 1971: by the USSR.   What WAS that Station called: Salyut 1, Skylab or the International Space Station?
A3) Salyut 1.
Q4) Australia named its national anthem: on 19th April, 1984.   What’s that anthem’s name?
Q5) Finally … The German Bundestag opened: on 19th April, 1999.   Germany’s equivalent of the House of Commons is in which German city?
A5) Berlin.
I’ll leave you with a thought …
“I don’t care what political party is controlling China right now. All I know is we are all Chinese.”
Alex Chiu.
A tune or three … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’ll try and avoid it, Debbi‡ … !   (The point lost was for question 2!)   At any rate … ?   It can’t be any funnier than the fact that — in the referendum that picked Advance, Australia Fair —  Waltzin’ Matilda came second.   A song that’s basically about a bloke that nicks a sheep … oh, and was written by a chap called Banjo Patterson!   Python’s not in it … Terry Pratchett, on the other hand?   Nice to know there’s a few of Sir Terry’s fans in La La Land.   I’m wondering if she was reading Last Continent?   (Possibly the only fantasy novel to mention the pie floater …)

†        You know, that’s probably the way to go, Olga!   Hmmm … have you ever thought of seeing if Debbi needs a translation … ?   And, while I’ve not got the money, or need, for Spanish translations, myself … ?   I’ve also wondered how a pub quiz would go down in Spain: outside the British ex-pat community!   (I’ve picked up the impression the ex-pats give it a lift, but outside of that … ?   What can I tell you … ?!‽)

‡        That’s a thought, Debbi: JUST in case Siouxsie looks familiar?   Do you remember hearing about the notorious incident when the Pistols, and some of their original fans, were invited onto a UK TV show, and swore a lot?   The presenter — in a Bill O’Reilly kind of mood — tried chatting up one of the fans.   Guess who fan that was …??


  1. Thanks, Paul. It's an idea, for sure. There are a lot of TV quiz-style programmes, but not the typical pub quiz, although...
    I went to Wikipedia and it decided that as I am in Spain I need to send them some money (the funny thing is that I have given some money a couple of times, but of course when I was in England, so it got particularly insistent, to the point where it would not let me move to another page...)
    Take care.

  2. Interesting! :) I have to confess the "Waltzing Matilda" did come to mind.

    1. 6
    2. French
    3. Chinese characters
    4. right to left
    5. 3,000
    6. Han
    7. Mandarin
    8. Beijing
    9. Yue
    10. Sino-Tibetan


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