
Sunday 23 April 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23-4-2017: Saint George’s Day

Right … 

Once again, it’s a Sunday.

And once again?

I’ve not seen Dr Who.

No spoilers, now!

I’ve already had to tick one person off!


Moving on?

You’ll realise it’s Saint George’s Day?

It’s also World Book Night.

And I have to admit, I didn’t manage to get involved, this year.

Shame, really: one of the books they’re giving away is Of Mice and Men, which I read at school.

Shame I can’t remember how I felt about it: I should maybe remedy that, at some point.


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring nine out of ten in the process.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions.

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 23rd April is Saint George’s Day.   Saint George is the patron saint of where: England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales?
Q2) The flag of Saint George features a red cross: on what colour background?
Q3) Many have suggested replacing Saint George as his country’s patron.   By which Sainted A?
Q4) Andrew Rosindell — then MP for Romford — once argued for making the day a public holiday.   In which year: 2013, 2014 or 2015?
Q5) Finally … St George’s Day was a gangster film with Charles Dance as Trenchard.   Which year was it released?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 22nd April, 1870, saw the birth of Vladimir Lenin.   What name was he born under?
A1) Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.
Q2) 22nd April was his birthday: in the modern Gregorian Calendar.   What was it: in the Julian Calendar then used by his country?
Q3) What country was he born in?
A3) Russia.
Q4) He moved out of his country, when: 1900, 1901 or 1902?
A4) 1900.
Q5) He returned from exile in which year: 1915, 1916 or 1917?
A5) 1917.
Q6) What was happening when Lenin returned home: the January Revolution, the February Revolution or the the Winter Revolution?
Q7) That revolution started, where: Moscow, Saint Petersburg or Vladivostok?
A7) Saint Petersburg: then called Petrograd.
Q8) Lenin also wrote about the civil unrest that had taken place in that city in 1905: known as the Revolution  of 1905.   That unrest had been sparked by an incident called Bloody … what?
A8) Bloody Sunday.
Q9) He returned to his homeland in 1917: after living in which European country?
Q10) Finally … when Lenin and the government he led took over his country, they withdrawn from what: the EU, World War One or the League of Nations?
A10) World War One.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“England is a profoundly bizarre place that has produced thousands of bands the world has worshipped.”
Gene Simmons.
And a song sung, traditionally — apparently — on Saint George’s Day.


Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Hang on, Debbi†, did you mean the books you’re reading, or the ones you’re writing?   (I want more Sam McCrae … !)   At any rate … ?   As we’re talking shelfies … ?   Ahem … !

†        Personally?   I’m just glad I sold all my DVDs off.   It meant I could start juggling the space around.   I’ve a lot of Terry Pratchett.   And the Moorcock and LeGuin is starting to build up.


  1. Q1) England
    Q2) white
    Q3) Saint Alban
    Q4) 2014
    Q5) 2012
    I'm in a hurry as I have to go and help at the book stall for Sant Jordi, but I couldn't help participate considering the theme of the quiz. By the way, they are trying to get the Sant Jordi's celebrations in Barcelona recognised by Unesco. (Sorry the news is in Spanish, but here...)
    Enjoy St George's Day! And Dr Who, of course.

  2. I do, too! Want more Sam McRae, that is.

    I'm writing as fast as I can! :)

    I actually meant the books I'm reading. A big messy pile!

    1. England
    2. white
    3. Andrew
    4. 2014
    5. 2012

    I'm working on another hardboiled detective that I hope you'll like. She's got a bit of starch in her, like a certain lawyer! :)


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