
Sunday, 2 July 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2-7-2017

No: I haven’t, before you say anything!

I’ve not seen this week’s episode of Dr Who, yet.

Don’t say a word!

I’d rather not have any spoilers, thank you!

The nearest I’ve got to it?

Is listening to this weeks charity appeal on radio 4.

Hosted, this week, by Peter Capaldi, in aid of the children’s charity, Coram.

Sounds like it’s a good cause.


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring five out of six in the process.   The day also saw Trevor† leaving us a comment.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) 2nd July, 1963, saw the birth of film critic, Mark Kermode.   He also plays double bass: for a skiffle band called what?
Q2) 2nd July, 1904, saw the birth of René Lacoste.   Besides inventing the Polo shirt, he was noted As a player of what: tennis, golf or polo?
Q3) 2nd July, 1890, saw the US Congress pass the Sherman Antitrust Law.   The law was designed to make sure US business didn’t form what: banks, monopolies or cartels?
Q4) 2nd July, 2013, saw the International Astronomical Union Pluto’s fourth moon.   What WAS that name?
Q5) Finally … 2nd July, 2013, saw the International Astronomical Union Pluto’s fifth moon.   What WAS that name?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) During the US Civil War, 1st July 1863, saw the start of which battle?
A1) The Battle of Gettysburg.
Q2) More to the point, which side won: Union or Confederacy?
A2) Union.
Q3) Which country’s Communist party was founded: on 1st July, 1921?
A3) China’s.
Q4) London’s first Gay Pride March took place: on 1st July of which year of the 1970s?
A4) 1971.
Q5) A formal ban on doing what in public, in England, went in to force on 1st July, 2007?
A5) Smoking.   (Where on God’s green Earth did that decade go … ?)
Q6) Finally … What was formal opened on 1st July, 1999: the Welsh Assembly, the Scottish Parliament or the Northern Irish Assembly?
A6) The Scottish Parliament.
As it’s co-writen by Pete Briquette?   I give you a song …  

And a quote …
“I don’t think at my age... you can start ruling people out in politics.”
Ken Clarke, MP, born 2 July 1940.
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’m looking forward to it, Debbi: but the amount of people getting in touch with me about it!   Oy, vey … !   At ANY rate?   I’m going to have to prep up a lot of links.   (Usually, I write a blog post straight into the web page.   Just recently, though?   I’ve been doing the movie and TV posts as a Pages file, then copying and pasting it across.   Seems to let me write a better post.)

†        I’ll probably have my post about up, tonight, Trevor.


  1. Q1) The Dodge Brothers
    Q2) Tennis
    Q3) Monopolies
    Q4) Kerberos
    Q5) Styx
    Sorry, Paul, these days I am not very well organised. I'm going back to the UK next Wednesday with my mother, so I don't expect it will get better until she comes back, but I plan on focusing mostly on the teachign and writing.
    I'm sure you must have discussed it already but I was saddened by the news of Barry Norma's passing.
    I hope you enjoy Doctor Who. Take care.

  2. No spoilers from me, of course! :)

    1. the Dodge Brothers
    2. tennis
    3. monopolies
    4. Kerberos
    5. Styx


I love it when someone comments. But, having had anonymous comments I feel may be libellous, actionable or just plain offensive, over the years?

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