
Monday 24 July 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24-7-2017

You know, you have to thank Twitter, sometimes, don’t you … ?

It does throw up some interesting discussions.   Including one triggered by Old Peculiar regular, Debbi Mack.

Back when she re-tweeted this …
The basic, but very SF idea?

Is that a research company owned by Tesla owner, Elon Musk, is working on what he called a Neural Lace: a device attached to the brain — inside the skull — that allows its wearer to directly control a computer.


Screaming technology watcher I’m all in favour of this sort of thing.   And wouldn’t mind one myself!

But VERY aware that Debbi raised a issue.

I’m with Isaac Asimov.   His basic arguments about the Three Laws of Robotics was that — as humans — we build safety features, into new bits of kit!

I’m also aware the game, Cyberpunk 2020.   The game featured hackers wired into their computers with similar ways, directly hacking target computers mentally.   And having epileptic fits induced by those targets’ cyber-defences.

Which I think is Debbi’s basic point … 

Where’s the safety features … ?


JUST so we can have a cheerful — ish — note?

JUST to introduce a cheerful note, it’s official.

The trailer for Dr Who’s Christmas Special — Twice Upon a Time — has officially hit YouTube … 

I have to ask … 

Am I the only one thinking Mark Gatiss looks like he’s having a WHALE of a time … ?!?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring five out of five in the process.   The day ALSO saw Olga† looking in: to quite decidedly say ¡Hola!, rather than wave.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Which Apollo mission got home safely: on 24th July, 1969?
Q2) Alexandre Dumas was born: on 24th July, 1802.   Which of his novels was a direct sequel to The Three Musketeers?
Q3) The first state to be re-admitted to the Union, after the Civil War, did so on 24th July, 1866.   Which state?
Q4) Sportsman, Fred Tate was born: on 24th July, 1867.   He famously played what: football, cricket or tiddly-winks?
Q5) Finally … Which Loyalist paramilitary was freed: on 24th July, 2000?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and and answers … 

Q1) 23rd July, 2015, saw NASA announce the discovery of a rocky, Earthlike planet it called Kepler-452b.   NASA scientists have informally named  Kepler-452b what: Gallifrey, Vulcan or Coruscant?
A1) Coruscant.
Q2) A colony fleet bound for New France left Dieppe: on 23rd July, 1632.   New France was the French colonies, where: North Africa, North America or South east Asia?
Q3) Whose birthday will devout Rastafari be celebrating on 23rd July?
A3) Emperor Haile Selassie.
Q4) 23rd July, 1945, saw the war-crimes trial of Marshall Pétain, start.   The Marshal had been in charge of what: Vichy France, Quisling Norway or Occupied Poland?
Q5) Finally … 23rd July, 1992, saw the Vatican declare limiting the rights of whom wasn’t discriminatory: gay people, left handed people or muslims?
I’ll leave you with a song … 

And a thought …
“The time to worry is three months before a flight. Decide then whether or not the goal is worth the risks involved. If it is, stop worrying. To worry is to add another hazard.”
Amelia Earhart, July 24, 1897 – disappeared July 2, 1937.
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

And let me leave you with an earworm: that’s been banging around my head since I saw it‡!

*        I’ll probably HAVE to keep an eye open, there, Debbi!   Sounds like it’s one of those movies!   Oh, hope you don’t mind me quoting you: but I thought the subject would make for a good introduction … 

†        You’re right, there, Olga: that sort of behaviour’s a good advert for the opposition!   Wish your mother well for me, please: I hope she’s enjoyed the stay.

‡        The song was written by singer/songwriter, Shirley Ellis: the tune’s original performer, and writer of The Clapping Song and The Nitty Gritty.   I don’t know how well her career went.   But those three tunes?   Were works of infectious, pop genius … !

1 comment:

  1. I don't mind at all! It's an intriguing subject.

    I often tell people now that there's this reader in England who helped immeasurably with a certain podcast script. (I'll be sure to thank you in the credits!) Maybe I'll even produce the thing. After I finish a few novels and screenplays, that is! :-O

    BTW, do the English find the Scottish accent as difficult to understand as we Yanks? We literally have to turn on closed captions to make David Tennant out Broadchurch! Yikes! :)

    1. Apollo 11
    2. The Red Sphinx
    3. Tennessee
    4. cricket
    5. Michael Stone

    I recently transcribed part of my old journal, in which I professed my love of Doctor Who. It was a new show for me in 1996! Can you believe?


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