
Tuesday 15 August 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-8-2017

Now, I wonder who that was … ?

I had the night off, last night.

Which is nice: I managed to catch the last two episodes of season 1 of The Man in the High Castle.

Which is quite the series, I think I can say.

At any rate?

At about nine?   Just when I was starting to watch episode 10?

The phone went off: which I initially ignored.

It kept ringing … 

I kept ignoring it: after all, I’ve had too many missed calls from people selling me solar panels!

When I finally decided to head over to the phone, to pick it up and SEE who it was?

They rang off.

After making sure they phoned me, from their withheld phoned number.

I get the feeling they’re shy, whoever they were … 


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 15th August is VJ Day.   It marks the Allied victory in Japan: at the end of which war?
Q2) 15th August is Independence Day: in India.   It marks the day India became independent from Britain: in which year?
Q3) The Virgin Atlantic Challenger capsized: on 15th August, 1985.   The ship was owned by which millionaire?
Q4) An IRA bomb went off: on 15th August, 1998.   In which Northern Irish town?
Q5) Finally … ?   15th August, 2005, saw settlers protest at being evicted from where: the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights or the Sinai Peninsular?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The USA re-opened it embassy: on 4th August, 2015.   An embassy, where?
A1) Cuba.
Q2) More to the point, that embassy’s in which city?
A2) Havana.
Q3) The UK’s Marine Broadcasting Offences Act went into force: on 14th August, 1967.   What did it ban: pirate radio, pirate video, or Keanu Reeve’s English accent?
Q4) The first car number plates were introduced on 14th August, 1893.   In which European country?
A4) France.
Q5) Finally … Rainey Bethea died on 14th August, 1936.   He was the last person in the USA to be publicly what?
A5) Executed.
Here’s a thought …
“You must not fear death, my lads; defy him, and you drive him into the enemy’s ranks.”
Napoleon Bonaparte, 15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821.
And a tune … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a nice day!

*        Policing the internet, Olga‡?   I think that’s up there with herding cats!   (Have fun at the dentist!   Although you could mentioned: I THINK I’ve got a pair pliers, somewhere!)

†        I can imagine, Debbi‡!   And it could possibly be a fascinating read, if you did!   Lefty conversion still goes on: I worked with one chap at KFC who’d had it happen to him, when he was at primary school: about the age of five.   He was nineteen, when I met him: about two years ago.   Personally, I call it child abuse, but I’m a liberal …(Oh, George 6th — the current Queen’s father, and the subject of The King’s Speech — stammered: apparently as a result of being converted.)

‡        As we’ve mentioned cats … 


  1. Q1) World War II
    Q2) 1947
    Q3) Richard Branson
    Q4) Omagh
    Q5) The Gaza Strip
    Weird the cat references. I'm reading a novel based in France during the Middle-Ages where they keep blaming all kinds of things for the plague and have just picked up all the cats and burned them alive (of course the cats were killing rats and mice that... Anyway... After that they rounded up the lepers and burned them alive too). I hope you don't get any mysterious phone calls. Have a good Tuesday.


  2. Second world war
    Richard Branson
    Gaza Strip
    Freda Downie

  3. Someday, I've got to see that movie!

    That wasn't me calling, though it's always nice to hear your friendly voice! :)

    1. WWII
    2. 1947
    3. Richard Branson
    4. Omagh
    5. the Gaza Strip

    I keep seeing ads for "Dirk Gently" on BBC America. Looking forward to that! :)

    And the second season of "Twin Peaks" is underway. Wow! That's all I'll say ...


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