
Thursday 17 August 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-8-2017: U C These Ds?

Blimey, HBO’s having issues … 

Just in case you didn’t know … ?

HBO is the TV company that airs the incredibly successful series, Game of Thrones.

Not only have they recently been had issues — having several scripts, and episodes, posted anywhere that’ll have them — but they’ve ALSO had next week’s sixth episode posted online.

By someone at HBO, itself.

By mistake.

It never rains, when it can pour … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Olga on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) The world’s CD albums were produced: on 17th August.   Of which year of the 1980s: 1981, 1982 or 1983?
Q2) That first CD was a set of waltzes.   By whom: Brahms, Liszt or Chopin?
Q3) Those first CDs where printed at a factory.   For which company: Philips, Sony or JVC?
Q4) The plant was in Langenhagen.   In other words, in which European country?
Q5) The relevant manual defining music CDs is the what book: the Red, Orange or Yellow book?
Q6) That factory ALSO printed the first pop music CDs.   The first album made was one called The Visitors.   The Visitors was an album by which Swedish band?
Q7) While we’re at it?   Which Dire Straits LP was the first million-selling CD?
Q8) A CD consists of several layers: with the audio recorded on a shiny surface.   That shiny surface is usually made of which metal?
Q9) The shiny side is ‘read’ by a red, or near infrared, what: laser, radar or magnetic beam?
Q10) Finally … CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs are known as WHAT discs?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 16th August saw the birth of popstar, Madonna.   In which year?
A1) 1958.
Q2) She attended Dance college in Michigan: but dropped out in 1978.   Dropped out … and moved to which US city?
A2) New York.
Q3) 1982 saw the release of her first US single.   What was that single: Everybody, Holiday or Lucky Star?
A3) Everybody.
Q4) What was Madonna’s first US number 1?   (In the main US chart.)
A4) Like a Virgin.
Q5) Her first UK hit was in 1983: reaching number two.   What was it?
A5) Holiday.
Q6) Which Madonna song had a video condemned by the Vatican?
A6) Like A Prayer.
Q7) Die Another Day was Madonna’s one Bond theme song.   Who played Bond in Die Another Day?
A7) Pierce Brosnan.   (Her character in the film, Verity, turns around and says “I don’t like cock fights.”   Which got a lot of smirks … )
Q8) Madonna worked with singer, Justin Timberlake and rapper, Timbaland.   On which single?
A8) 4 Minutes.
Q9) 2015 saw Madonna working with whom, on the single, Bitch, I’m Madonna?
A9) Nicki Minaj.
Q10) Finally … Madonna is the USA’s second biggest selling female artist, by RIAA certificates.   Who’s the biggest selling?
A10) Barbra Streisand.
Given it comes from one of their first successful CDs?   Certainly one of the first I bought?   I give you THESE song …

And a thought …
“Technically speaking, there is no music whatsoever on a CD. Lots of information, but no music.”
Henry Rollins.
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day … 

*        I think, Olga, that Ghost in the Shell is one to put at the bottom of the pile.   And even then?   It’s still more watchable than Lucy … !   I think we’re going to have to wait for a good Scarlett Johansson SF movie!   And you’re right: Jewish people have had it bad, over the years!   (Oh, I used this entry as the basis for the Biggest Selling questions.   Going by that, it’s Babs, first, then Madonna, with Whitney in third.)

†        It’s the third, actually, Debbi!   The first two were in 190, and 1991!   Sorry, you’ve just hit my ‘Picky’ button!   Here’s the IMDb link … Actually, the chap that plays Big Ed?   Cropped up in Lynch’s version of Dune: and in Wes Craven’s The People under the Stairs!   (And my pleasure.)


  1. Q1) 1982
    Q2) Chopin
    Q3) Philips
    Q4) Germany
    Q5) The Red book
    Q6) ABBA
    Q7) Brothers in Arms
    Q8) Aluminium
    Q9) laser
    Q10) Optical discs (digital optical discs)
    Yes. I went to the certifications page but it gave me lists by albums and singles and it was by chance that she was also the second female by albums. I should have read the question better. Have a good day.

  2. Actually, I meant the second season of "Twin Peaks: The Return" or whatever the latest is called:

    1. 1982
    2. Chopin
    3. Philips
    4. Germany
    5. Orange
    6. ABBA
    7. Brothers in Arms
    8. gold
    9. laser
    10. compact


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