
Tuesday 29 August 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29-8-2017

Hmmm … Just when you thought the Rail Replacement Bus situation couldn’t get any worse … ?

An extra layer of bad gets added.

As you’ll possibly know, I work in Chelmsford: and get there by train.

Apart from on bank holiday weekends: win there’s a rail replacement service, as various bits of line maintenance get gone.   As has been done, this weekend.

Sunday was the usual mess: Brentwood to Shenfield by bus, Shenfield to Ingatestone by bus, Ingatestone to Chelmsford by bus.

With the usual delays.

Sunday wasn’t  good: but I got to work, AND got home.

Monday?   Yesterday morning?   There was a blivet in the works.

It turns out that — so late on Sunday night that it was at 12·45, on Monday morning — a man was attacked outside Murphy’s Sports bar — five or so minutes from my front door — and is in a serious condition.

In Queens Hospital, in Romford.

Some of the gossip I heard?   Said he’s in an induced coma.

If true, and if the poor sod doesn’t come out of that?

Someone could be be facing murder charges.

For me?   The immediate result was simply the fact that the police cordon thrown up — to let forensics do their job — meant the the rail replacement buses got re-routed.

Not something I was happy about.

And — considering someone’s Twitter feed got quoted on the Gazette’s website — I have to ask … 

Will Essex Police send and extra car down Warley Hill, at closing time?   At bank holidays?

That could be good …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here there are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Meitnerium was synthesized for the first time: on 29th August, 1982.   What’s the element’s atomic number?
Q2) 29th August, 1747, saw the birth of F1 driver, James Hunt.   Who played hunt, in the 2013 film, Rush?
Q3) 29th August, 1949, saw the Soviet Union test its first what?
Q4) Which country’s independence was recognized by Portugal: on 29th August, 1825?
Q5) Finally?   Wadōkaichin copper coins were first minted: on 29th August, 708AD.   In which country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 28th August, 1913, saw Queen Wilhelmina open the Peace Palace.   In which Dutch city: Rotterdam, Amsterdam or The Hague?
A1) The Hague.
Q2) 28th August, 1189, saw crusaders begin besieging Acre.   Acre is now in which Middle eastern country?
A2) Israel.
Q3) 28th August, 1916, saw the birth of writer, Jack Vance.   He wrote science fiction under his own name.   And wrote three mystery novels as which Queen?
Q4) The Ottoman Empire occupied Belgrade: on 27th August, 1521.   Belgrade is now the capital city of where?
A4) Serbia.
Q5) Finally … 28th August, 1916, saw Italy declare war on where?
A5) Germany.
Here’s a song … 

And a thought …
“Airline food is cooked in an oven and then kept warm. Space station food is often cooked in an oven and then thermo-stabilised, irradiated or dehydrated and then stored for a year or two before you even get to it.”
Commander Chris Hadfield, born 29 August 1959.
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Was there, Trevor?   I really hadn’t noticed!   (Oh, the mayor’s been commenting: runs a hairdresser’s around the corner from me … )

†        I’ll just leave you in suspense, shall I, Olga?   :D   At ANY rate, I don’t think it’ll be anything TOO un-anticipated … but … 

‡        I’ll be honest, Debbi, I’ve got the radio on, right now: the Today programme’s made the very good point the President’s a climate denier … but not made much of it, with Harvey hitting Houston … 


  1. Q1) 109
    Q2) (1747?) Chris Hemworth (I’m not a big Formula 1 fan but enjoyed the movie).
    Q3) Atomic bomb
    Q4) Brazil
    Q5) Japan
    Let's hope that something good comes out of that at least and perhaps they up the security measures. Take care.

  2. I'm afraid that's no news to me. Let's just say he's not the sharpest tool in the drawer. :)

    1. 109
    2. Chris Hemsworth
    3. atomic bomb
    4. Brazil
    5. Japan


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