
Thursday 24 August 2017

The Ghoul: Not For Me … 

You know, I don’t think that I’ve had that much time off, this week.

Or, at least, as much as I did, last week.

But … ?

But I’ve had enough: to do a little writing, a little cleaning up around the place.

Oh, and enough time to stay in, this morning, patiently waiting for an electrician to fix my hallway light.

Or, at least, replace the fitting … and, while he was at it, see to the beeping smoke detectors.

No, literally, beeping.

The batteries needed changing.

At any rate?

At any rate, I had the evening free for a movie.

Right now?

Right now, I’ve just finished watching the Ben Wheatley produced, Gary Tunley directed, The Ghoul.

And, much as I usually like anything with the name ‘Wheatley,’ on it?

I’m not convinced by The Ghoul … 


Set in an anonymous part of London, The Ghoul sees undercover policeman Chris — Tom Meeten — checking out a house along side partner, Jim — Dan Renton Skinner.

It’s only then Chris hears about his about his latest case: tracking down the potential murderer, by going to the same psychiatrist, Fisher — Niamh Cusack — and seeing what they can dig up.

It’s only when Fisher recommends Chris see another therapist?

That things … 

Start … 

Unravelling … 


Now … 

Good … ?

Bad … ?


Well … 

I think, over the past couple of years, I’ve come to expect a certain standard from anything Ben Wheatley’s involved in.

And, true to form?

Director Gareth Tunley and the cast, crew and writers, have given us a very well made piece: and I feel I should give them credit for that.

It’s just that The Ghoul isn’t a film I found myself becoming involved with: the characters got some, but not all, of my sympathy, the plot looped into itself rather too obviously … and the film’s rather slow, even at eighty-one minutes.

And, for all it’s a well made film?

I found myself seriously thinking about turning The Ghoul off, after the first thirty or so minutes.

I think there’s only three other films I can say that about* … 

Right here, and right now, though?

Right here and now, I will say this.

The Ghoul, with a £4·49p rental fee?

Wasn’t for me.
The Ghoul

*        51Inception and In Time lasted about ten minutes, each, before the off button was pressed.

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