
Friday 15 September 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-9-2017

Right … it’s official … 

I’m on holiday … !

Well, ok, annual leave.

Just for this weekend: I’m back at work on Monday.

And, to be honest?   I’m not going to be doing much more than house, and TV watching.

With possibly a bit of gaming, as well.

Either way … ?

I’ve got some much needed time off ahead of me.

That’s something I’m thankful for.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Corse was divided into two départements: on 15th September, 1975.   Corse is the French name: for which island?
Q2) 15th September, 1944, was the second day of the Octagon Conference: held by the UK and US.   Where: Qom, Quebec City or Querétaro?
Q3) Nazi Germany adopted it’s new national flag: on 15th August, 1935.   The Flag included which ancient Indian symbol?
Q4) Which notorious Frenchman was taken into custody: on 15th September, 1440?
Q5) Finally … Eastern Roman Emperor, Constans 2nd, was assassinated: on 15th September, 668 AD.   Where was he: the toilet, the bath or kitchen sink?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 14th September, 81 AD, saw Domitian become Roman Emperor.   He was the last emperor of which dynasty?
A1) The Flavian Dynasty.
Q2) The HMAS AE1 was lost at sea: on 14th September, 1914.   The boat was Australia’s first what: aircraft carrier, dreadnought or submarine?
A2) Submarine.
Q3) Windows ME was introduced: on 14th September, 2000.   What did it introduce: Windows Movie Maker, Quicktime or VLC?
Q4) Kiribati joined the UN: on 14th September, 1999.   Kiribati is in which Ocean?
A4) The Pacific.
Q5) Finally … In a referendum on 14th September, 2003, Estonia decided to join what: the UN, the EU or the AEIOU?
A5) The European Union, or EU.
Here’s a thought …
King Kong is my friend. He’s been my public relations man for years. It was an extraordinarily good role, but the richness of the role that I had in The Wedding March appealed to me more.”
Fay Wray, September 15, 1907 – August 8, 2004.
And a song … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day!

*        Oh, I don’t know, Olga, you’re multilingual: that’s a talent worth having!   I keep thinking of the … oh what’s it called, Sapir Whorf Hypothesis?   If I’ve got it right, it’s the idea the languages we speak influences how we think, and how we can think: an extra one gives us an extra thinking tool in the box.   (You can speak Spanish and English: so you’ve got a screwdriver and a spanner.   Debbi can speak American English, and understand British English: so she’s got a multi-headed screwdriver.   I’ve just got a screwdriver.   Oh, I can add basic html tags to my blog post: I don’t know if that counts … ?)

†        :D   I’ll keep my eyes open, Debbi: I’ve actually got some time off, today!   Hope you don’t mind the screwdriver comparison, there, Debbi!   (Don’t know if you’d be up for it, Debbi, but I’ve been using a couple of VERY basic html for a while: VERY handy if you need to add a link in a pre-prepared piece …)


  1. Q1) Corsica
    Q2) Quebec City
    Q3) The Swastika
    Q4) Gilles de Rais (I read a fascinating book about him many years back. One has to wonder about the extremes of human behaviour as he seemed to have been admired in battle for his courage. I guess there are some doubts as to his guilt).
    Q5) The bath
    Don't forget Catalan! (I keep going with the German but don't dedicate enough time but...)
    Enjoy your weekend off work.

  2. Actually, I love the screwdriver comparison. Being multilingual in English is really cool! :) Wish I spoke better Spanish.

    1. Corsica
    2. Quebec City
    3. the swastika
    4. Gilles de Rais
    5. the bath


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