
Friday 17 November 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-11-2017: The Student Body

Right, I’m back at work, today.

And, what’s amazing me?

Is the simple fact I’m tired: still.

After having, in theory, enough sleep: even after catching an episode of The Strain.

Hopefully, though?

The simple fact I’m now recovering from an tooth extraction, means I can start drinking hot tea: and, at least, pick myself up, that way.


Frankly, though?   I’m personally just grateful that tooth’s out.

It means that, right now?

My mouth’s a lot less uncomfortable than it was.

That, as far as I’m concerned?

Is all well and good.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 17th November is International Students Day.   It marks the day when the Nazis stormed the University of where?
Q2) The Nazis stormed the University in which year?
Q3) A University does what kind of education: primary, secondary or tertiary?
Q4) Which ‘b’ — in the UK, at least — is the lowest type of degree a student can study for?
Q5) Which ‘D’ is the highest level of degree a student can study for?
Q6) The University of Al Quaraouiyine is said to be the world’s oldest degree awarding body.   It’s in which North African country?
Q7) The oldest university in Europe — and the oldest to be called a university — is in which Italian city?
Q8) The term, ‘Oxbridge,’ describes the UK’s two poshest Universities.   Name either one of the two cities the universities are in.   (We just need one!)
Q9) Which students went to the fictional university, Scumbag College?
Q10) Finally … although some universities have tried banning the tradition, many students throw what in the air, when they graduate?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The patent for the thermionic valve was granted on 16th November of which year?
A1) 1904.   (The patent was published almost a year later: on 7th November, 1905)
Q2) The patent was granted to John Ambrose whom?
A2) Fleming.
Q3) That valve was a what: oscillating valve, rectifying valve or amplifying valve?
Q4) The thermionic valve was a what tube?
Q5) Both valve and tube let electricity go in one direction: from a filament called a what?
A5) A cathode.
Q6) From the filament … to what ‘a’?
A6) An anode.
Q7) In addition to a heater, most valves have two parts: the filament and the ‘a’.   They’re usually in a glass tube holding those parts in a what?
A7) Vacuum.
Q8) A two part valve has two parts, and a heater: a two part valve is known as a what?
A8) A diode.
Q9) A three part valve is a what?
A9) A triode.
Q10) Finally … the valve made electricity by doing what to the filament: cooling it, heating it or dry roasting it?
A10) Heating it: hence thermionic.
Here’s a thought …
“Many things went on at Unseen University and, regrettably, teaching had to be one of them. The faculty had long ago confronted this fact and had perfected various devices for avoiding it. But this was perfectly all right because, to be fair, so had the students.”
Sir Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times.
And a song that mentions graduation … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oscillating or oscillations, Olga, I don’t think it matters!   So long as no ocelots were harmed during manufacture … um … At any rate, Cornwell’s possibly worth a read … once I’ve got time.   (I’m just wondering if he’s any relation of John Le Carré: which reminds me, I’ve got to check out A Legacy of Spies.)

†        Ha … !   Yeah, I can guess the shape of that one, Debbi!   (Somewhere out there, there’s a very bored eavesdropper having an interesting evening!)

1 comment:

  1. Q1) Czech Republic
    Q2) 1939
    Q3) Tertiary
    Q4) Bachelor’s
    Q5) Doctorate
    Q6) Morocco
    Q7) Bologna
    Q8) Oxford
    Q9) The Young Ones
    Q10) Their mortarboards (Oxford cap, academic cap…) It didn’t suit me at all, although I only wore it for the Doctorate graduation ceremony as we don’t wear it in Spain and I didn’t go to my graduation ceremony for the BA or the Masters…
    I'm pleased to hear the tooth is sorted. I've only read John le Carré book but read one by his granddaughter set in Barcelona that I really liked. The Serpent Papers by Jessica Cornwell, precisely...


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