
Thursday 30 November 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-11-2017:

You’ve heard of Britain First, haven’t you … ?

At least, you will have done: by now.

They are one of Britain’s more notorious far right group, noted for an hardline anti-Muslim stance, and very sympathetic to the likes of the Ku Klux Klan, and Germany’s AfD.

They have huge online presence: that is much larger than their (thankfully tiny) real-world one.

They’ve had a free advert.

In the form of three re-tweets from President Donald Trump.

Which has earnt him a lot of condemnation, internationally.

From several members of the Conservative government who are of an Islamic background.
And from the Prime Minister, Theresa May.

That condemnation by her?   Is possibly the only reason I have for voting Conservative.

Trump has issued another tweet: ticking the Prime Minister off.


He wouldn’t have need to: had he not retweeted videos from Britain’s most notorious neo-nazis.

As far as I’m concerned?   As far as I’m concerned, the man is spreading hatred and bile: and, with the words of warning to the PM, poking his nose into the UK’s affairs.

In a way that’s ill-advised, and very unwanted.


I know that the President has had a formal invite: to make a state visit to the UK.

He’s not a man I want in the UK.

I can only hope the invite is withdrawn: or that protestors make Trump’s visit a bloody, tomato hurling misery.


Oh, one more thing … 

I mentioned, yesterday, that there’d been an issue: for Macs running High Sierra.

Basically, using the word ‘root’ as a login name, leaving the password field blank, and hitting a few times, logs you into the machine: with root access.


Apple have responded quickly: and issued a patch that should be installed automatically.

According to the BBC, the patch will go on machines running High Sierra: and, interestingly, “Users running older versions of MacOS will see a notification prompting an upgrade.”

I might just have top keep an eye peeled for that.

The possibility’s been worrying me since the news broke.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring five out of five in the process.   The day also Olga† looking in to say hello.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Her they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 30th September is Saint Andrew’s Day.   Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland: and of the Spanish town of Almoradí.   Almoradí is in which province: Alicante, Badajoz or Córdoba?
Q2) The Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called is a chivalric order, where: Russia, Spain or England?
Q3) St Andrew’s Cathedral is in Patras.   Cathedral, and city, are in which European country?
Q4) Andrew is one of four possible Scottish patron saints.   Name any one of the other three.
Q5) There’s three possible verdicts in a Scottish criminal court: guilty, not guilty … and what else?
Q6) Talking of law, Scotland has recently one a case in the UK Supreme Court.   The win means it can set a minimum price, per unit: for what?
Q7) Writer, Nan Shepherd, appears with a mackerel: on a Royal Bank of Scotland banknote.   WHICH banknote?
Q8) The first polymer banknotes in the UK were introduced in Scotland: in 2015.   By which Scottish bank?
Q9) The late Malcolm Young, and his brother, Angus, were guitarists from Glasgow.   They found fame with which Australian rock band?
Q10) Finally … What’s Scotland’s biggest city: by population?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 29th November is William Tubman’s Birthday: a public holiday in which African country?
A1) Liberia.
Q2) A power sharing executive government was voted in: on 29th November, 1999.   In which country of the UK?
Q3) 29th November, 1995, saw the birth of British Olympian, Siobhan-Marie O’Connor.   She represents the UK in which sport: Dressage, swimming or track cycling?
A3) Swimming.
Q4) 29th November, 1960, saw the birth of actress, Cathy Moriarty.   In  which 1980, Martin Scorsese, movie did she make her first film appearance?
A4) Raging Bull.
Q5) Finally … Atari released Pong on 29th November, 1972.   Atari’s name means ‘attack’ — approximately — in Japanese: and is used in which Japanese game?
A5) Go.   (If I’ve understood it correctly — and bear in mind, I’ve only ever played Go a handful of times — it’s similar to, but not necessarily exactly the same as Check, in Chess.)
Here’s an observation …
“There are two seasons in Scotland: June and Winter.”
Billy Connolly.
And this tune, again: because you have to have scotland’s finest, somewhere …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        What were you saying about racism and prejudice, the other day, Debbi?   Only I THINK we have a Trump inspired diplomatic incident … involving Britain First.   Neo-nazis, in other words.   I think the cast of Casablanca wouldn’t have approved of Britain First … 

†        Be well, Olga!   (Is now a good time to mention noted lab assistant, Igor?   They’re usually good with brains … )


  1. I think I probably need Igor. Voice slightly better but in general probably worse and now it's snowing. What a nightmare! Nothing Trump does surprises me, other than he is still in power.
    Let's see how things are tomorrow (although it is also my correcting day for the UoPeople and all students seem to think they deserve high grades... Give me strength!

  2. Someone needs to find Trump mentally unfit for office. Or shut down his Twitter account. Or both! :)

    If he goes to the UK, throw a tomato for me, would you? :)

    1. Alicante
    2. Russia
    3. Greece
    4. Columba
    5. not proven
    6. alcohol
    7. 5 pound
    8. Clydesdale Bank
    9. AC/DC
    10. Glasgow


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