
Friday 3 November 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3rd November, 2017

Right then … 

I’m officially back at work.

At least, I am, tonight: and over the weekend.

I’m — sort of — looking forward to it: as the way the hours have been arranged, it means I have the evenings off.

Not that I’ll be doing much more than either watching TV, or sleeping: but there you go.

Either way, I may just have enough time to catch an epode or two of Freak Show.

I just hope they don’t over do the singing … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Dominica became independent of the UK: on 3rd November, 1978.   Is Dominica on the island of Hispaniola?
Q2) Who was elected as the 27th US President, on 3rd November, 1908: Presidents Washington, Taft or Roosevelt?
Q3) Talking of presidents: George W. Bush won his presidential election on 3rd November, 2004.   Who was his opponent?
Q4) The Queen opened Britain’s newest oil pipeline: on 3rd November, 1975.   The pipe brings oil from the North Sea to Grangemouth.   Grangemouth is which country of the UK?
Q5) Finally … 3rd November, 1919, saw the birth of comic writer and artist, Jesús Blasco.   He co-created which 2000AD strip: Judge Dredd, MACH 1 or Invasion?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) A five member committee was founded: on 2nd November, 1795.   Known as the Directory, it was the committee that governed where: France, Germany or Italy?
A1) France.
Q2) 2nd November, 1951, saw Britain send 6000 troops, where: Northern Ireland, Egypt or Saudi Arabia?
A2) Egypt.
Q3) Devout Quaker, Norman Morrison, set himself on fire: on 2nd November, 1965.   In a drastic protest against the Vietnam War, he set himself alight outside where?
Q4) 2nd November, 1966, saw the birth of Friends actor, David Swimmer.   Which character does he voice, in the Madagascar franchise?
Q5) The Cuban Adjustment Act came into force: on 2nd November, 1966.   It allowed many Cubans to apply for residence, where?
A5) The USA.
Here’s a thought …
“I don’t look like someone who leans on a mantelpiece with a cocktail in my hand, you know.” 
Charles Bronson, November 3, 1921 – August 30, 2003.
And a song, written by birthday boy, John Barry … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day!

*        I have to admit, Olga, the Marvel movies have really never appealed, much.   I never read their comics when I was young: I wear always riveted by 2000AD and Starlord.   Oh, and the Batman TV show.   And it’s nice to hear Bladerunner 2049’s good: I know Mark Kermode’s been enthusiastic, but it’s nice to get the extra positive views.   And it sounds like there’s a lot of books heading for a nearby charity shop … 

†        It’s worth keeping an eye open for, I know that, Debbi!   (You know, the BBC wanted to try and launch the iPlayer, internationally, as a kind of BBC branded Netflix?   Apparently, they had to cancel: mostly because the US networks that carry BBCAmerica threatened to drop the channel, if they did.)


  1. Q1) No. It is an island in its own right, part of the Windward Island (the other one is the Dominican Republic)
    Q2) William Howard Taft
    Q3) John Kerry
    Q4) Scotland
    Q5) Invasion
    I didn't read many comics at all. Some Fantastic Four and some Creepshow. My mother had the Prince Valiant collection that I loved (well, love). Don't work too hard. ;)

  2. So much jockeying for market share, etc.! Oh, well.

    1. no
    2. Taft
    3. John Kerry
    4. Scotland
    5. Invasion

    I will definitely keep an eye out. Maryland Public TV was where I first saw Doctor Who with Tom Baker. They followed that with old episodes of Red Dwarf, which I loved!

    I've got Red Dwarf DVDs of the more recent episodes.


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