
Monday 25 December 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-12-2017: Christmas Day

Well it’s officially Christmas day.

Unless, of course, you’re using some version of the Julian Calendar: in which case?

It’s going to be a week or two away.


I’m not going to worry too much about the calendar.

I’m just going to enjoy dinner with my family: and watching Jude open watch ever presents are left!

Oh, and catch tonight’s Dr Who: and yes, I’ve got my timers set.

I’m also going to ask for an opinion.

If you’ve seen Star Wars: The Last Jedi … ?

Wonder over to my review, and let me know what you thought.

I’d appreciate knowing.

Call it a Christmas present for your favourite blogger … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see if anyone’s feeling christmassy enough to try today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) 25th December is Christmas Day: marking the birth of Jesus.   His birth is known as which N?
Q2) In some books of the bible, Jesus is called king of the whom: Judeans, Greeks or Romans?
Q3) The (then) King carried out the Massacre of the Innocents: to try and kill Jesus.   Who was that King?
Q4) His birth is mentioned in two of the Four Gospels: name either one of the two.
Q5) The word, Christmas, is occasionally written as ‘Xmas.’   That X is based on which Greek letter?
Q6) Which city council has had to remove an exclusion from around its Christmas tree, this year: Derby, Manchester or London?
Q7) Father Christmas gives presents to nice children on Christmas night.   Which ‘K’, according to an old Austria tradition, punishes the naughty children?
Q8) Which LA suburb has a Christmassy nickname?
Q9) London-based baker and wedding cake specialist Ted Baker, invented what Christmas item, in 1847?
Q10) The traditional Trafalgar Square Christmas Tree is a present to the UK, from which European country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) Christmas Eve sees children in one Spanish region, beating a Christmas log: called the Tió de Nadal.   Which Spanish region: Catalonia, Andalusia or Extremadura.
A1) Catalonia
Q2) Nine Lessons and Carols are traditionally broadcast by the BBC, on Christmas Eve.   From which Cambridge college: King’s, Saint John’s or Trinity?
A2) King’s.
Q3) The candle that represents Christ is traditionally lit on Christmas Eve.   That candle is on a what: yule log, Advent wreath or Easter bunny?
A3) Advent wreath.
Q4) Many Catholics and Anglicans will celebrate what kind of Mass on Christmas Eve?
A4) Midnight Mass.
Q5) Finally … The first astronauts to orbit the moon, did so on Christmas Eve, 1968.   They broadcast a quote from which book of the Bible, while they did so?
A5) Genesis.
Here’s a thought …
“I do come home at Christmas. We all do, or we all should. We all come home, or ought to come home, for a short holiday — the longer, the better — from the great boarding-school, where we are forever working at our arithmetical slates, to take, and give a rest.”
Charles Dickens, in A Christmas Tree.
And a song whose title hasn’t yet happened …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a happy Christmas, folks.

May God, whatever you understand them to be, bless you and keep you.

*        THINK there‘s something similar in parts of Germany, Olga: it’d probably give Thomas Crapper a fright!   I’m just surprised Caganers‡ haven’t caught on in the UK … !   And, yep: The Last Jedi has now been viewed … and, while I don’t think it’s as good as The Force Awakens, it’s still a very good, and very enjoyable, film.   (Oh, there’s spoilers in the review …)

†        And ALSO to you, Debbi!   :D   You know, I’ve never actually been to a midnight mass?   I’m not usually that religious: but one day, we’ll have to see.   As for calculus … ?   I couldn’t even start.   (Hang on, isn’t this —  — symbol something to do with it?   Couldn’t even tell you the keyboard shortcut!)

‡        I get the feeling there’s an anti-Establishment streak in Catalonia …


  1. Q1) Nativity
    Q2) Judeans
    Q3) Herod the Great
    Q4) Luke and Matthew
    Q5) In Greek Khrīstos (Χριστός)
    Q6) Derby
    Q7) Krampus
    Q8) Miracle Mile (?) Not sure about this one…
    Q9) A Christmas cracker
    Q10) Norway
    Yes, you're right on that. I might wait until I go to see it then...:)

  2. I'm not the religious sort, either. I was raised Unitarian, which is like embracing all the religions or none -- depending on your point of view. :)

    1. Nativity
    2. Judeans
    3. Herod
    4. Luke and Matthew
    5. Chi
    6. Derby
    7. Krampus
    8. Hollywood
    9. the Christmas cracker (that's a first for me! never heard of that one before)
    10. Norway

    Haven't seen the latest Star Wars yet. And will likely wait until tomorrow to watch Doctor Who, so I buzz thru commercials. :)


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