
Wednesday 27 December 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th December 2017

You know, if you’ve not seen Twice Upon a Time, you might want to skip this bit: little bit of a spoiler.

But, as I’m sure many of us know, by now, Rusty the Dalek — who first appeared in Into the Dalek — made a reappearance.

As a way for Capaldi’s Twelfth Doctor to investigate Dalek information about the episode’s villains.


I was rather pleased about that.

I felt, back when Into the Dalek first aired that Rusty was something of an interesting character: one that could well be re-used.

I think Moffat, in his last episode?   Came up with a very use for the universe’s only ‘good’ Dalek.

As an extreme, and carefully used, information broker.

I hope Chris Chibnall picks up on that.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 27th December is the third of the twelve days of Christmas.   What, according to the old song, did my true love get for me?
Q2) The 27th is also the feast day of Saint John the Apostle.   Saint John is the patron saint of whom: Native Americans, book sellers or carpenters?
Q3) Star Wars was released in the UK on 27th December, 1977: forty years ago, today.   What’s the name of the this years’s entry in the franchise?
Q4) More to the point, what’s the name of the 2018 entry in the series?
Q5) Finally … Britain’s first oil rig, the Sea Gem, collapsed: on 27th December, 1965.   Where was it: the Irish Sea, the North Sea or the English Channel?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Boxing Day is 26th December.   It’s ALSO know as the feast of Saint Stephen.   Which city was Stephen martyred in?
A1) Jerusalem.
Q2) Seemingly?   Saint Stephen was a what: deacon, bishop or vicar?
A2) Deacon.
Q3) What’s the only book of the Bible he’s mentioned in: the Gospel of Matthew, Revelation or the Acts of the Apostles
A3) The Acts of the Apostles.
Q4) The name means what: jewel, gold or crown?
A4) Crown.
Q5) Finally … How was Saint Stephen killed: by hanging, stoning or crucifixion?
A5) Stoning.
Here’s a thought form the late Carrie Fisher, who died a year ago, today …
“I Googled myself without lubricant. I don’t recommend it.”
RIP, Carrie Fisher‡, October 21, 1956 – December 27, 2016.
A song from Haris Alexiou … 

And, as it’s Marlene Dietrich’s birthday?   A little light something from her … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I know what you mean, Olga: as you know, the UK mark’s Boxing day on the 26th.   It’s usually lot more relaxing: I think because there’s less expectation involved.   (Yeah, they’re funny old things, alphabets.   And I know what you mean about re-reading stuff: I try to, when I’m at the video making stage.   If I get that wrong …)

†        Play fair, Debbi, I didn’t actually know the Grateful Dead tune!   I might just bookmark it for next year!   Have fun with Twice Upon a Time, by the way.   I think they’ve tweaked the regeneration energy effect …

‡        Carrie is going To be much missed: especially as her character, General Organa survives The Last Jedi: and could easily have made important contributions to the next episode.   On this first anniversary of her death?   I can only offer my condolences to her surviving family.


  1. Q1) Three French hens
    Q2) book sellers
    Q3) Star Wars: The Last Jedi
    Q4) Solo: A Star Wars Story
    Q5) North Sea
    I'm planning to go and watch the latest Star Wars later today. It seems appropriate.A year already, well, and 40 years already... Scary.
    Take care.

  2. No problem! :) Anyway, now you know the song.

    I enjoyed "Twice Upon a Time" very much. It was great seeing the old references to Lethbridge-Stewart and so on. Very humorous at times, when the Doctors bandied words with each other. Plus the Doctor gets a kind of closure with some companions. All very good.

    I'm looking forward to the new Doctor! :)

    1. 3 French Hens
    2. book sellers
    3. The Last Jedi
    4. Solo: A Star Wars Story
    5. the North Sea


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