
Monday 11 December 2017

Stranger Things: Series 2 — Episodes 7, 8 & 9: Chapter 7 The Lost Sister, Chapter 8 The Mind Flayer & Chapter 9 The Gate.

10th December, 2017.

Can I make a confession?

Right now?   I don’t have the heating on.

It’s warm enough as it is.   With just a small electric heater on.

I have had the heating on, though: as a result of the snow that’s been falling all day, and covered a lot of the UK.

It’s not that often I do that.


I’m definitely feeling the cold.


At any rate?

I was expecting to head for a relative in Kent, today.

But couldn’t, because of the weather.

That forced me to stay at home: on a day off.

A day that saw me venturing — carefully — out to pick up some more Christmas cards, as a result of that cancelled visit.

And doing some housework, instead: along side writing a couple of Teasers, writing a few cards … 

And catching the last three episodes of Stranger Things, series 2.

Episode 7 — The Lost Sister — sees Eleven leaving her mother’s home: and heading for Chicago, where she meets Kali.   Only for Kali to try persuade her fellow  pychic that killing is a much needed thing.


Episode 8 — The Mind Flayer — opens back at the lab: with Demodogs* almost overwhelming the gang.   The only way the group can get out?   Is for Bob (Sean Astin) to flip the circuit breakers: and re-programme the lab’s computers …

It could be fatal …


Episode 9 — The Gate — is the final episode.   Joyce (Winona Ryder) realises the only way to drive the thing possessing Will (Noah Schnapp) out of her son?

Is to turn up the heat.

Once’s that done?   The newly returned Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) has to venture back into the hell itself: and close the gate.

Before the Mind Flayer really hits town … 


Now … 

Have I been impressed by this series?

Have I … ?

Yes, I have!

The cast, this year, is as strong as it was in the first outing: the younger members, easily keeping up with their older co-workers.

The writing and directing for each episode?

Again, just as good as the first time around: impeccable paced, with timing slowing and speeding where needed, with an awareness of what each actor is bringing to their role … and where the story’s going … 

And, again building a strong world: in a fictional part of small town America that has horrors coming from it’s Upside Down neighbours: and, in the shape of Billy (Dacre Montgomery), reming us that sometimes, the horror is a human.

There’s also those references.   I can’t help but think that there’s a few.

The Demodogs?   I don’t know where the show’s designers got them.

But, given the show’s producers seem very familiar with Dungeons and Dragons, I’m assuming they’re familiar with Travellar: which was the science fiction game of the era.

The reason I mention it?   Is that I feel the design of the Demodogs comes, in part, from the Hivers: one of the alien species featured in the game.

I couldn’t swear to it, mind: they could’ve based it on the plant in Little Shop of Horrors

But …


I also felt that episode 8 — The Mind Flayer — centres around the group that rescue Will from the Hawkins Lab.

I don’t know if it’s deliberate … 

But found the look and feel of the scenes there, very reminiscent of Aliens.

To the point where I was half expecting Sigourney Weaver to turn up.

That could be just me.

THEN … ?

There’s the fact Millie Bobby Brown, as Eleven?

Spends most of these last three episodes dressed up as a very young Dave Vanian?

Well … 

Frankly, I think if you’re like me, like a game of ‘Where’d They Get THAT Idea?’,  Stranger Things 2 is going to be right up your street.

If you’re just after a ripping good TV show?

Or a ripping good follow up to Stranger Things 1?

Stranger Things 2 will still prove to be right up your street.

Stranger Things 2?

Is REALLY good!

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