
Wednesday 10 January 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10-1-2018: Bowie

Hmmm … 

I’ve just double checked to see if there’s any updates for my system: something I’ve had half an eye on for the past few days, in the light of the fuss over the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities.

I know Apple have issued patches for them, for High SierraSierra and El Capitan: but not, seemingly, for older versions of the operating system, like mine.

We’re told these vulnerabilities are hard to export in the wild.

And I can understand Apple wanting to encourage people to buy newer machines, with newer versions of macOS.

But, even so, that’s a little worrying*.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mr Strict†, Olga‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga scoring ten out of ten, and Debbi and Mr S both — appropriately — scoring nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) 10th January saw the death of singer, David Bowie.   In which year?
Q2) What was the name of the last album he released: during his lifetime?
Q3) What, in 1967, was the name of his first successful, UK Top Ten single?
Q4) What, in 1969, was the name of his first successful, UK Top Five single?
Q5) 1970 saw him release one of his earliest, successful LPs.   What was the LP called?
Q6) Jessica Lange does a cover of Bowie’s Life on Mars: in a series of American Horror Story.   Which series of American Horror Story?
Q7) Which of his albums did Bowie describe as being ‘plastic soul’?
Q8) The Associates, Duran Duran and Screamfeeder, all covered which Bowie song?
Q9) In which Scorcese film did Bowie play Pontius Pilate?
Q10) He plays Jareth, the Goblin King, in which Jim Henson film?
Q11) Bowie did a version of Dancin’ In The Street for the Live Aid concert in 1985.   With whom?
Q12) Finally … What — in 2013 — was Bowie’s last UK top ten hit?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 9th January is the ninth day of the year.   How many days are left in a non-leap year?
A1) 356.
Q2) What’s the ninth month of the year?
A2) September.
Q3) What’s the square root of nine?
A3) Three.
Q4) If a number is a multiple of nine, what do the individual digits in that multiple add up to?
A4) 9.   (So, to give you a couple of an examples?   3*9 is 27.   2 + 7 = 9.   11*9=99.   9 + 9 = 18, another multiple of nine.   1 + 8 = 9.   Apparently, nine is the only number in base 10 this works for.)
Q5) The Nine Bows are the traditional enemies of where: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome or Classical Greece?
Q6) Which domestic pet is said to have nines lives?
A6) The cat.
Q7) In the Inferno section of Dante’s Divine Comedy, there are nine circles of where: Heaven, Hell or Houston?
A7) Hell.   (BIG thank you to ZZTop, there, for those options.)
Q8) In Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, Sauron gave nine rings of power to the leaders of whom: Men, Elves or Dwarves?
A8) Men.   (The Rings turn those kings into the Nine Ringwraiths, or Nazgûl.)
Q9) Nine squared equals what?   (9²= … ?)
A9) 81.   (Again, 8 + 1 equals 9.)
Q10) Finally … what’s the ninth month of the Islamic calendar?
A10) Ramadan.
Here’s a thought …
“Music has given me over 40 years of extraordinary experiences. I can’t say that life’s pains or more tragic episodes have been diminished because of it. But it’s allowed me so many moments of companionship when I’ve been lonely and a sublime means of communication when I wanted to touch people. It’s been both my doorway of perception and the house that I live in. I only hope that it embraces you with the same lusty life force that it graciously offered me.”
David Bowie, 8 January 1947 – 10 January 2016.
How on Earth do you some up a career like Bowie’s, with one song?

You can’t.

I haven’t.

All I can do is offer you a few of my favourite Bowie songs … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day … 

*        Frankly?      I’m still glad I don’t have a PC.   Especially not one with an AMD Central Processor.   It seems the Microsoft released patches for machines with AMD chips?   Are causing those machines to freeze.    Apple have tried shooting me i the foot: and missed.   AMD has shot them in the foot.   Then Microsoft has shot them in the OTHER foot.   Yeah … 

†        Morning, Mr S … !

‡        Be good to see you in, Olgaª.   (It’s a Bowie set.   I couldn’t do justice to a career like that, with just ten questions.)

^        Daring, moi?   Not built like me, Debbiª!   :D   (Oh, I know the questions are going to be hard on the hand, Debbi.   But … well … Bowie … ?!)

ª        I was tempted by 15 … but thought, “Nah, I’ll get Olga and Debbi giving me funny looks!”


  1. Q1) 2016
    Q2) Blackstar
    Q3) The Laughing Gnome
    Q4) Space Oddity
    Q5) The Man Who Sold the World
    Q6) Freak Show (4th season)
    Q7) Young Americans
    Q8) Boys Keep Swinging
    Q9) The Last Temptation of Christ
    Q10) Labyrinth
    Q11) Mick Jagger
    Q12) Where Are We Now?

    Very enjoyable. Thanks, Paul.

  2. Yes, I think a dozen is plenty! :)

    1. 2016
    2. Blackstar
    3. The Laughing Gnome
    4. Space Oddity
    5. The Man Who Sold the World
    6. Freak Show
    7. Young Americans
    8. Boys Keep Swinging
    9. The Last Temptation of Christ
    10. Labyrinth
    11. Mick Jagger
    12. The Next Day

    Have I mentioned that when I was in high school, I went to see Bowie in concert. It was during his Ziggy Stardust phase. My friend and I met a pair of transvestites at the concert. An interesting time. :)


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