
Saturday 10 February 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10-2-2018: How to Make an Exhibition of Yourself and Other Stories

10th February, 2018.

Hmmm … 

I didn’t know that … 


Apparently, I can do a channel trailer for my channel on Youtube!

Which is possibly a good idea.

Once I’ve … you know … 

Got dressed … !

Ahem … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s arty Teaser, shall we?

Here’s the questions, along with the How To, Licence and video

Q1) Roy Lichtenstein’s first solo exhibition opened: on 10th February of which year?
Q2) That exhibition included a painting called Look Mickey.   Name either of the cartoon characters in Look Mickey.
Q3) The painting used what, in order to create colour: dots, lines or squares?
Q4) Lichtenstein’s known as a what artist?
Q5) Which Lichtenstein’s work shows one jet plane shooting, and destroying, another?
Q6) That painting used a mix of paints.   Oil, and what: pastel, acrylic or gouache?
Q7) “I don’t care!   I’d rather sink — than call Brad for help!”   Name that Lichtenstein painting‡.
Q8) Lichtenstein’s Masterpiece is one of the most expensive paintings ever sold.   How much did it sell for, in US dollars, in January of 2017?
Q9) Another big selling Lichtenstein painting, Woman with Flowered Hat, went for $56 million dollars.   It’s based on a painting by whom?
Q10) Finally … Lichtenstein’s last commissioned work was the logo for a record label: one co-owned by David Geffen.   What was the label?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 9th February is the feast day of Saint Apollonia.   Apollonia was one of a group of saints who died in which Egyptian city?
Q2) 9th February, 2007, saw the death of actor, Ian Richardson.   Which character did he play, in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy?
A2) Bill Haydon.
Q3) The US Weather Bureau was established by a joint Resolution on 9th February, 1870: a resolution signed by Congress and the then US President.   Which US President?
A3) The 18th: Ulysses S. Grant.
Q4) Halley’s comet last appeared in the inner solar system: on 9th February, 1986.   The earliest recorded appearance of the comet was when: 235BC, 240BC or 245BC?
A4) 240BC.
Q5) Finally … Copernicium was first synthesized on 9th February, 1996.   The artificially created element is what: transuranic, transactinide or transported?
Here’s a thought …
“I suppose I would still prefer to sit under a tree with a picnic basket rather than under a gas pump, but signs and comics^ are interesting as subject matter. There are certain things that are usable, forceful, and vital about commercial art. We’re using those things – but we’re not really advocating stupidity, international teenagerism and terrorism.”
Roy Lichtenstein.
And a song … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day … 

*        Oh, I hate hills, Olga!   I don’t think I’ve mobility problems … I just wish Brentwood was flatter … !   At ANY rate?   A sight like that does look worth the effort!   (I still think you can’t beat the cod and chips in Great Yarmouth.   An ex and I’s one holidayed together was there: the fish was fresh, superb … and hung over the edge of the plate.)

†        Yeah … the book’s supposed to be the other thing in the dashboard, Debbi … !   Lord knows what the aliens would made of Vogon poetry … !   (Amazing what you can find on Google … )

‡        It took a while … but I finally managed To read question 7 with a straight face … 

^        Comics as art?   Slightly heretical thought … 


  1. Q1) 1962
    Q2) Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.
    Q3) Dots
    Q4) Pop
    Q5) Whaam! (Great title)
    Q6) Acrylic
    Q7) Drowning Girl (Not taking yourself too seriously is a good way to enjoy life).
    Q8) $165 millions (it seems the proceeds of the sale will go to create a fund for criminal justice reform. I’m sure he would have been pleased).
    Q9) Picasso
    Q10) Dreamworks Records
    I love his Ell cap de Barcelona (The Head of Barcelona…)
    The voice in your video seemed to be out of sync again (or perhaps it is my computer)

  2. That would be hard to read without laughing! :)

    1. 1962
    2. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
    3. dots
    4. pop artist
    5. Whaam!
    6. acrylic
    7. Drowning Girl
    8. $165 million
    9. Picasso
    10. DreamWorks Records

    Doing an intro video is a great way to introduce new viewers to your channel. And encourage them to come back.

    I'm learning as I go on YouTube! :)


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