
Thursday 22 February 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-2-2018: A Bruce Bonus

22nd February, 2018.

No, really … 

On a day when I have to be up at four — blog, shower, shave, commute into work for nine — I managed — convinced my alarm had gone off — at two in the morning.

Two … in … the … morning … !

It was only when the new iMac announced the time I realised … that it was two o’clock!

Oy … 

Vey … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) 22nd February saw the birth of the late lamented Bruce Forsyth.   In which year?
A1) 1928.
Q2) He died in which year of this century?
A2) 2017.
Q3) Between 1972 and 1977 — and 1990 and 1994 — Bruce was the definitive presenter of which game show?
A3) The Generation Game.
Q4) From 1958 to 1964, Bruce had hosted Sunday Night at The London … what?
A4) Palladium.
Q5) He was a guest host on which satirical news quiz?
A5) Have I Got News for You.
Q6) He played a henchman in which Disney film?
A6) Bedknobs and Broomsticks.
Q7) Finally … Bruce, along side co-host, Tess Daly, presented which show?
A7) Strictly Come Dancing.
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 21st February, 1885, saw the formal dedication of the Washington Monument.   Who is it a monument too?
A1) George Washington.
Q2) Jimmy Swaggart resigned his post on 21st February, 1988: after being found to have consorted with a prostitute.   Swaggart was — at the time — the USA’s biggest what?
A2) TV preacher/evangelist: or just plain televangelist.
Q3) 21st February, 1937, saw the League of Nations ban volunteer foreign fighters fighting in which War?
A3) The Spanish Civil War.
Q4) 21st February, 1440, saw the formation of the Prussian Confederation.   What was the group formed to opposed: the USA, the Teutonic Knights or the Austro-Hungarian Empire?
A4) The Teutonic Knights.
Q5) Finally … 21st February, 1893, saw the birth of classical guitarist, Andrés Segovia.   Technically Segovia was 1st Marquis of where?
A5) Salobreña.
Here’s a thought …
“When a performer doesn’t get nervous, that is when you have to give up.”
Bruce Forsyth.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day … 

*        Yeah, you’re right there, Olga‡: on both fronts.   Apparently?   When John Williams, Segovia’s best known English student, started playing electric guitars in Sky, the Marquis went ballistic.   From what I’ve heard?   Segovia’s view was that electric guitars … weren’t guitars.   And went rapidly downhill from there … (I also got the impression there’s a lot of good swearwords in Spanish: and Segovia used a lot of them … )

†        Yeah, I tried learning, back in the day, Debbi‡: I think Segovia’s the chap that popularised a lot of the beginning pieces written by Fernando Sor.     I learnt the first one in this video …

‡        Turned out Billy Graham died yesterday: he’s about the only one of the televangelists that wasn’t hit by scandal.


  1. Easy when you give us the answers


    Q1) 22nd February saw the birth of the late lamented Bruce Forsyth. In which year?
    A1) 1928.

    Q2) He died in which year of this century?
    A2) 2017.

    Q3) Between 1972 and 1977 — and 1990 and 1994 — Bruce was the definitive presenter of which game show?
    A3) The Generation Game.

    Q4) From 1958 to 1964, Bruce had hosted Sunday Night at The London … what?
    A4) Palladium.

    Q5) He was a guest host on which satirical news quiz?
    A5) Have I Got News for You.

    Q6) He played a henchman in which Disney film?
    A6) Bedknobs and Broomsticks.

    Q7) Finally … Bruce, along side co-host, Tess Daly, presented which show?
    A7) Strictly Come Dancing.


  2. It must have been the 2 hours earlier, but at least in the version of your blog I saw, you had included the answers to the questions as well so... Sorry...
    I'm sure you must programme at least a part of the post beforehand (I don't use Blogger but I imagine it must work the same...) but of course, you'd need to update with the replies... Maybe having a deadline for answers would save you very early mornings... (I know you enjoy it!)
    My mother once went to work on a Saturday when she no longer worked on weekends, convinced it was a working day. And she used to get up before 5 am to get to work by 6...

  3. Well, you'll be glad to know I checked your answers and you got 7 for 7, Paul! :)

    1. 1928
    2. 2017
    3. The Generation Game
    4. Palladium
    5. Have I Got News for You
    6. Bedknobs and Broomsticks
    7. Strictly Come Dancing

    It's funny. I started with pieces like that. And when my guitar teacher asked if I wanted to learn the song "Angie" by the Rolling Stones, I was like "No! I can't stand that song!" He thought that was great. And unusual. :)

    BTW, I just read an interview with Paul McCartney about his "Meatless Mondays" thing. He mentioned that being a long-time vegetarian made him feel very good and energetic. He said that he could perform a 3-hour concert and not feel "knackered". I love that word! I think we should adopt it here. :)


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