
Thursday 15 February 2018

Star Trek Discovery — Episode 15: Will You Take My Hand?

15th February, 2018.

Flat … is possibly the word … 

Especially if you’ve read this morning’s Teaser: you’de rrealise my phone is giving me a problem or two.

The root of it, at the moment?

Is looking like an ageing battery … combined with another knackered charging cable!

I’ve got a few options, there: but at the moment?   At the moment, replacing the cable, until I’ve enough cash to buy a replacement.


That should be within the next week or two.


At any rate … ?

At any rate, today is a Thursday: and the first chance I’ve had to catch up with some TV.

If you hadn’t guessed I’ve been watching Star Trek: Discovery, by now?

You’ve not been paying attention … 


Episode 14 — Will You Take My Hand? — opens: with Emperor Georgiou — Michelle Yeoh — taking command of the Discovery: to the consternation of the crew.

Once at the Klingon home world, Qo’noS*, the official plan is to sneak Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green), Ash (Shazad Latif), Tilly (Mary Wiseman) and Georgiou into the Orion embassy on Qo’noS.

An embassy built over an extinct volcano, and that — apparanently — can be used to attack the Klingon capital.

What Michael, Ash and Tilly don’t know — until an amusing incident with an Orion drug dealer — is that’s not what Georgiou has planned.

Oh, no.

The former Emperor wants this version of Qo’noS to end up as barren as the on in her universe … 


Now … 

Flat … ?

That’s possibly doing Will You Take My Hand? a dis-service.

But something I feel has some thing of a grain of truth to it.

It strikes me this episode was a low key one: concentrating more on tying up the story strands, than it does with telling an exciting story.

Although tell the story it does, does well … and perfectly enjoyably, too.

However?   I think it was more about tying up those ends … 

And setting up a next season.

With a version of the USS Enterprise — the classic NCC 1701 Enterprise — hoving into view at the episode’s climax?   Complete with Captain Pike in charge?

It could get sticky …

Sticky, yes … 

But if a potential second season is of the same quality as this first has — over all — been?

It’s still something I’d like to watch.

*        It’s pronounced CROW-nos, CROW-nosh or CREW-nos … depending on the actor, director, writer, false teeth†, et-cetera …

†        It’s true.   The Klingon actors all have falsies …

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