
Sunday 11 March 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th March, 2018

11th March, 2018.

And a very good morning, it is, too.


It’s a day off: so that’s put me into a relatively good mood.

Whether that lasts?

Is a whole other matter … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and Video … 

Q1) 11th March is the feast day of Saint Eulogius of Córdoba.   The saint lived in Córdoba, when it was what: a Roman republic, Muslim emirate or Christian monarchy?
Q2) 11th March, 1955, saw the death off Sir Alexander Fleming.   Fleming was responded for discovering which drug?
Q3) 11th March is Moshoeshoe Day.   The day marks a noted former ruler of which African nation … ?
Q4) 11th March, 1932, saw the birth of Nigel Lawson.   What was the highest post he held, in the UK’s Cabinet?
Q5) Finally … 11th March, 1932, saw the birth of Harold Wilson.   What was the highest post he held, in the UK’s Government?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) In the USA, 10th March is Harriet Tubman Day.   Harriet famously campaigned against what?
A1) Slavery.
Q2) 10th March, 1936, saw the birth of sports official, Sepp Blatter.   Blatter was the now banned former head of FIFA: the organisation that organised international what?
A2) Football.
Q3) Sir Richard Sharples was shot: on 10th March, 1973.   Whilst serving as Governor of where?
A3) Bermuda.
Q4) President Park Geun-Hye’s impeachment was upheld: on 10th March, 2017.  President Park had been president of where?
Q5) Finally … Arnold Layne was released on 10th March, 1967.   It was the debut single by whom?
A5) Pink Floyd.
Here’s a thought …
“The Britain that is going to be forged in the white heat of this revolution will be no place for restrictive practices or for outdated methods on either side of industry.”
Harold Wilson, 11 March 1916 – 24 May 1995.
And a tune … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day!

*        Well, I’ feeling a touch more cheerful, here and now, Olga.   Whether that lasts, I don’t know!   Hope the discussion goes well: although I’m thinking ‘Feedback Vets’ sounds like an indie band … !   (You know, the ones that always play expensive, sem acoustic guitars … )

†        I’ve got to admit, I’ve not heard the phrase for a while, Debbi.   I’m fairly sure Trevor uses it: and I think Arthur  uses it in The Hitchhiker’s Guide.   (Oh, while I’m being instrumental?   Did you ever see Dune, Debbi, the David Lynch version?   There’s shots of Patrick Stewart using a weird instrument Herbert made, called a baliset.   Turns out the one Stewart plays in film is a genuine instrument!)


  1. Q1) A Muslim Emirate
    Q2) Penicillin
    Q3) Lesotho (Basotho at the time)
    Q4) Chancellor of the Exchequer
    Q5) Prime Minister
    Everything fine so far. I hope you are well too. I'll keep you posted, although I might not have time to join in tomorrow, as after the vet I'll have a long drive (I agree with your comment about the band name).

  2. I've only seen parts of the movie Dune. Watching that video was cool, especially the way Kyle MacLaughlin smiled at the end! :)

    1. a Muslim emirate
    2. penicillin
    3. Lesotho
    4. Chancellor of the Exchequer
    5. Prime Minister


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