
Saturday 12 May 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12-5-2018: Eurovision

12th May, 2018.

Yep: it’s officially Saturday, I’m dog tired … 

And I’m going to be doing a long day.


I’m making just about enough to get by.

So long as I either get help from my family, OR don’t get electricity, OR heating … 

Yep … 

It’s a dilemma, isn’t it … ?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 12th May, 2018, sees the final of Eurovision, 2018.   Which country is the contest being held in?
Q2) More to the point … ?   What city is it being held in?
Q3) 26 countries will go through to the final.   Name any one of the eight who has pre-qualified for the final.
Q4) There’s two non European countries taking part.   Israel is one.   What’s the other?
Q5) Finally … ?   The UK’s entry, this year, is a singer called SuRie.   She was previously involved with which country’s Eurovision entries?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The UK announced on 11th May, 1956, the name of the first African nation to gain independence from Britain.   Which country was it?
A1) The Gold Coast: now called Ghana.
Q2) Siam changed its name on 11th May, 1949.   To what … ?
A2) Thailand.
Q3) Eight people died over the course of 11th May, 1996.   Attempting to reach the summit of which mountain?
A3) Everest.
Q4) The Diamond Sutra — the world’s oldest known printed book — was first printed on 11th May, 868.   In which country … ?
A4) China.
Q5) Finally … 11th May, 330 AD, saw Byzantium renamed what: Constantinopolis, Nova Roma or Margate?
A5) Nova Roma.
Here’s a thought …
“In this contest, there is no place for organised attempts to unfairly influence the outcome.”
Jon Ola Sand, the contest’s organiser.
The UK entry … 

Oh, and the Israeli entry … as it’s a lot more upbeat‡ … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Work was quiet, last night, Olga, it HAS to be said: how it’ll go, today, I’m blowed if I know!   I think I’m with you about the posh parts of town: some of Brentwood’s are incredibly posh … and sound as expensive as the posh bits of Barcelona.   Oh, by the way … what do you think of Spain’s chances, tonight?   I’m thinking Israel’s got it sown up: it’s the clucking noises … (The police have confirmed it, by the way: the body they’d found is the missing singer.   It’s sad … )

†        I have … ?   Glad to hear it, Debbi!   Here’s hoping the script goes well!   Oh, do you remember Katrina and the Waves?   They were the UK’s last Eurovision winners: just in case you needed to know.

‡        I still think Lordi’s Hard Rock Hallelujah — 2006’s surprise winner — was a HELL of a treat!


  1. Q1) Portugal
    Q2) Lisbon
    Q3) Spain
    Q4) Australia
    Q5) Belgium
    I don't think the Spanish song has a chance, other than if people are very romantic, as they are a couple in real life (it seems). I don't follow Eurovision although when I was looking after my friends' dogs, one of them, Christoph, the writer, is a big fan and he was sharing his opinions. He's in Lisbon at the moment, that's how much of a fan he is (he goes to Eurovision parties and has been to the festival more than once. His latest book takes place in Eurovision. This is it
    Here is hoping it's not too busy and the money situation improves. All the best.

  2. I remember the band. Definitely. I tried out the Max Headroom effect. Interesting! :)

    Is there a particular type of background or lighting you use? When I did it, images of my bookcase in the background kept bleeding through.

    1. Portugal
    2. Lisbon
    3. Spain
    4. Russia (because it's Eurasian--my best guess)
    5. Belgium


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