
Wednesday 30 May 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-5-2018: Joan of Arc.

30th May, 2018.

Yes: I went out, yesterday.

No, really!

Fully expecting to make an appointment at the GPs — to talk about my scan results.

Except … ?

Except it started raining when I got to the bus stop.   Which I figured would happen.   I had check the BBC’s weather page for my area, after all.

Except … ?

I ALSO figured it wouldn’t last long … 

By the time I got off the bus … ?

The sprinkle of rain had got worse: turning into something vaguely approaching a monsoon-style torrent … 

And leaving me, someone who’d foolishly left his coat indoors … ?


Frankly?   I avoided the doctors.

In the time it would’ve taken for me to get there … ?

I’d’ve dissolved … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 30th May is the feast day of Saint Joan of Arc.   As well as being a patron saint of France, she patron saint of whom: soldiers, sailors or spies?
Q2) She’s also know as the Maid of … where?
Q3) She apparently received visions from assorted saints and archangels: telling her to support the King of France.   Who was that king?
Q4) More to the point, which Archangel featured in her visions: Uriel, Gabriel or Michael?
Q5) At the time, the king was the crown prince.   What was the French title for the crown prince?
Q6) She was born in which year of the 1400s?
Q7) She was captured by Burgundian forces.   At a siege in which French commune: Angicourt, Beauvoir or Compiègne?
Q8) At her trial, she was charged with what: barratry, heresy or wanton behaviour in public?
Q9) She was executed by burning on 30th May: of which year?
Q10) Finally … her life, and death, took part during which war?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Which club was the first English side to win the European Cup: on 29th May, 1968?
Q2) Which English king was born on 29th May, 1630?
Q3) Who was named as King of England: on 29th May, 1660?
A3) It’s him again: Charles 2nd.
Q4) Constantinople was captured by an Ottoman army: on 29th May, 1453.   The city’s capture marked the end of which empire?
A4) The Byzantine Empire.   It’s also called the Eastern Roman Empire: and its citizens would’ve called it the Roman Empire.
Q5) Finally … singer, Jenny Lind, left New York on 29th May, 1852: after her successful US tour.   Which showman had arranged the tour?
Here’s a thought …
“If ever I do escape, no one shall reproach me with having broken or violated my faith, not having given my word to any one, whosoever it may be.”
Joan of Arc.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        The woman ‘wasn’t intimidated,’ Olga?   You are joking, surely?   No, wait, I’ve just read the article.   Dear lord … !   Yes, the case has floated across my news feeds: the actual judgement, though …?   Well … At ANY rate … ?   I’m thinking of trying to catch The Greatest Showman: although I’m told it’s had iffy reviews ….  (When I was younger?   I worked as an usher at a theatre in London: the Dominion.   They were showing Barnum, which is worth catching.)

†        Yes, I had kind of guessed, Debbi … ! :D   Going totally off the subject … ?   I caught a video on Youtube, earlier, from one of the Dr Who fan sites.   It claims Captain Jack and Gwen Cooper will be re-appearing in the up-coming eleventh series.   That’s be nice to see, if true … 


  1. Q1) soldiers
    Q2) Orleans
    Q3) Charles VII
    Q4) Michael
    Q5) Dauphin
    Q6) 1412
    Q7) Compiègne
    Q8) Heresy
    Q9) 1431
    Q10) The Hundred Years’ War
    The judgement was incredibly disgusting, to put it mildly. I never caught PT Barnum but he's a figure I've always been intrigued by. I did enjoy the Greatest Showman (I've seen Hugh Jackman live in Oklahoma and he's very good) although I know it is not very close to the truth (and yes, only shows the nice bits of the Barnum figure, but well, that's not news). As an spectacle is well done, I'd say.
    Sorry about the soak. Here in Spain it's been raining buckets although it hadn't reached Barcelona, but it's raining today. Don't forget to sort out the GP appointment, though.

  2. Should be interesting to see how that goes! :)

    1. soldiers
    2. Orléans
    3. Charles VII
    4. Michael
    5. Dauphin
    6. 1412
    7. Compiègne
    8. heresy
    9. 1431
    10. the Hundred Years' War


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