
Monday 13 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-8-2018: International Left Hander’s Day

13th August, 2018.

Right, I have to admit to having a bad day, yesterday: after an all-out screaming match with one of the supervisors.

We’ll have to see what happens when I get to work, tonight.

It’s been one of those weeks … 

Beyond telling you I managed to catch an episode of Westworld, last night?

I think I’m going to leave that there … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five, And Debbi on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s left handed questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 13th August is International Left Handers Day.   Who was the last left handed president of the USA?
Q2) If you were in the town of Left Hand, you’d be living in which US state?
Q3) The song, Left Right, features on the Chemical Brothers album, Push the Button.   The album was released in which year?
Q4) Left Right is ALSO the name of a 2008, Chinese movie.   The film’s title is also translated as In what We Trust?
Q5) Actor, Liam Cunningham is left handed.   What’s the name of his character in Game of Thrones?
Q6) Cricketer, Moeen Ali, is a left handed batsman.   He’s also known as the Beard that’s … what?
Q7) According to a study in 2005, left handed women are more likely to suffer from what: paranoid schizophrenia, pre-eclampsia or breast cancer?
Q8) If you’re left handed, you are which Latin derived ‘S’?
Q9) Some species of plaice, turbot and sole, have their eyes on the left hand side of their heads.   They are what kind of fish?
Q10) Finally … Lefty the Salesman is a character in which US children’s show?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 12th August is World Elephant Day.   When was it first marked?
A1) 2012.
Q2) There’s three, currently recognised species of elephant.   Name one of the three.
Q3) Which of those specie has (comparatively) small ears?
A3) The Asian Elephant: or Elephas maximus.
Q4) All three species have a very long proboscis.   Or what?
A4) Trunk.
Q5) Finally … elephants can be left or right … what?
A5) Tusked.   (Seems an entirely appropriate question, a day later.)
Here’s a thought …
“Let your left hand turn away what your right hand attracts.”
Talmud, Sotah, 47.
And songs from southpaws …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I think the one time I had a suicide attempt, Olga?   Was depression: triggered by a bad romance.   It left me thinking these things have some sort of trigger: something I think was behind the death of Billy McKenzie, the front man for the Associates.   He died after his mother’s death.   As for Jessica Lange?   Hmmm … it would make a sort of sense: they have a habit of introducing formerly major characters in later series: just to move the story along.   (Sarah Paulson’s done it a couple of times: as has Gabourey Sidibe.)

†        I get the impression, Debbi, he’s a bit … you know … left field.   Which reminds me, I’ll have to sit down with Bowling for Columbine, it’s his best known work.   Oh, Thursday’s my next day off … 


  1. Q1) Barack Obama
    Q2) West Virginia
    Q3) 2005
    Q4) In Love We Trust (2007 according to imdb)
    Q5) Davos Seaworth
    Q6) feared
    Q7) breast cancer
    Q8) Sinister
    Q9) sinistral or left-eyed flatfish
    Q10) Sesame Street
    Suicides have even been classified in different ways. I've learned a few more things about the author I told you about, and it seems he has always toyed with the idea but personal things might have brought things to a head...
    I saw your comments about Michael Moore. I saw him live in Brighton (at the Duke of York's Cinema, a fabulous venue) many years back. He is (or at least was then) a very engaging speaker and talked sense (or perhaps I just agreed with what he said) but was quite personable. He was signing books and I got one for my cousin. They were showing Roger and I, about Detroit and what had happened to it since many of the car factories had moved out (you might enjoy that one). I enjoyed (well, you know what I mean by enjoy) Bowling for Columbine, and unfortunately it remains as relevant as ever. But I have not followed his recent work...

  2. Michael Moore is definitely in left field! :)

    The video will be on YouTube tomorrow, but on my website on Thursday.

    1. Barack Obama
    2. West Virginia
    3. 2005
    4. Love
    5. Davos Seaworth
    6. Feared
    7. paranoid schizophrenia
    8. sinister
    9. flatfish
    10. Sesame Street


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