
Wednesday 26 September 2018

American Horror Story — Series 7: Cult — Episode 7 and 8: Valerie Solanas Died for Your Sins: Scumbag and Winter of Discontent.

25th September, 2018.


It’s a Tuesday, it’s a day off, and it’s a day off where I’ve had … 

Difficult times.

It turns out … ?

I’ve got one — one! — shift for next week: the week commencing 1st of October.

I’ve sent around the usual email, to see if anyone needs me to cover a shift or two.

I’ve ALSO spoken to my agency — I’m a temp, so different sets of employment rules apply — to my agency, and asked them to keep an eye peeled for alternative employment.

But … ?

I’m getting sick of begging for work.

It’s demoralising, to say the least.


At any rate … ?

I should point out two things, shouldn’t I … ?

First … ?

I’ve been a Mac fan for some time.

And I’ve finally managed to get an chance to upgrade to macOS Mojave, 10.14.

So far, so good.

It seems to be bedding in well, although there was a hang or two, when it initially tried to sign me into iCloud.

Hopefully, though, it shouldn’t give me as much trouble as previous upgrades*†.


At any rate … ?

At any rate, I’ve managed to catch seem more TV, tonight.

More episodes of American Horror Story’s Cult.

Hmmm … 


Episode 7Valerie Solanas Died for Your Sins: Scumbag — opens with a series of flashbacks: introducing radical feminist, Valerie Solanas (Lena Dunham), and showing us what her and SCUM — the Society for Cutting Up Men — got up to, after she shot Andy Warhol.

Flashing forward to the future … ?

The story carries forward: when Bebe Babbitt, Solanas’s former lover (Frances Conroy) contacts Beverly (Adina Porter) promising to tell the story … 

Whilst showing us Kai (Evan Peters) now has his own militia working for him.

Episode 8Winter of Our Discontent — sees Ivy, Winter and Beverly (Alison Pill, Billy Lourd and Adina Porter) angry at Kai: with Winter only just convincing Beverly that she can keep Kai pacified.


Kai has some funny ideas …


Now … 

Good … ?

I’d have to give these two episodes a qualified ‘Yes.’

Right at the moment?

Right at the moment, I know my mood isn’t at it’s best: I’m basically being mucked around at work.

So that’s given me a slightly jaundiced view of these two episodes.

On top of that … ?

I’m mildly convinced the pair were added as padding, adding little to the on-going story arc.

Saying that?

Padding or otherwise, Valerie Solanas Died for Your Sins: Scumbag and Winter of Our Discontent are still very entertaining.

*        The on-board optical drive stopped working, when I upgraded my ten year old Mac mini from Leopard, to Snow Leopard.   I still don’t know know why.

†        Oh, and Sosomi’s back as an alert sound.   Ahem!

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