
Friday 21 September 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21st September, 2018.

21st September, 2018.

Yes, it’s true: I’m getting too damn distracted by games!

Especially Backgammon and Meow Match!

Don’t even go there … !

Actually, Absolute Backgammon?

Is rather good.

The one with the kittens, though, is just a bit too cute … 


On other fronts?

If, like me, you’re something of a Dr Who fan, you’ll be pleased to see that there’s a new trailer, doing the rounds.

Which is interesting to see.   I’m thinking we’re hearing tinges of the new theme tune, where Jodie Whittaker’s encouraging us to subscribe.

Frustratingly, though … ?

There’s still no b•*§%y airdate.

Waily-Waily … 

To quote some of Terry Pratchett’s odder characters.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 21st September, 1933, saw the first ever professional wrestling show held: in Mexico.   What’s the Mexican name for this type of wrestling?
Q2) J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit was first published: on 21st September, 1937.   Which was the most recently published of his posthumous works?
Q3) 21st September, 1866, saw the birth of H. G. Wells: one of science Fiction’s founding fathers.   Which of his novels is about a man called Graham?
Q4) Writer, Stephen King, was born on 21st September, 1947.   Hifirst novel was published in which year of the 1970s?
Q5) Finally … The People’s Republic of China was declared, on 21st September, 1949in what’s now the capital.   What IS that capital?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 20th September, 2017, saw Hurricane Maria make landfall: where?
A1) Puerto Rico.
Q2) 20th September, 1999, saw a UN peacekeeping force arrive in which island nation?
A2) East Timor.
Q3) The RMS Queen Elizabeth 2nd was launched: on 20th September, 1976.   RMS stands for Royal what ship?
A3) Royal Mail Ship.   Although, strictly, she’s carried the SS, MV or MS on official paperwork.
Q4) Football manager, Brian Clough, died on 20th September, 2004.   Book, and film, The Damned United, was all about his time managing which football team?
A4) Leeds UTD.
Q5) Finally … ?   20th September is the Feast day of Saint Vincent Madelgarius.   The was from what’s now which European country: Austria, Belgium or Cyprus?
A5) Belgium.   (Am I the only person who thinks his statue looks like Frank Zappa … ?   Grody to the MAX!)
Here’s a thought …
“I have grown into a Bestsellasaurus Rex — a big, stumbling book-beast that is loved when it shits money and hated when it tramples houses … I started out as a storyteller; along the way I became an economic force.”
Stephen King, born September 21, 1947.
And, given today marks the birth of the late Motörhead drummer, Phil Taylor?

A song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yeah, you’re right, Olga: Brexit’s … well … At any rate, glad I could help with the gibbons: I’ll have to keep my eyes open for more.   And good luck bagging a show!   (You know, The Damned United is another one I keep meaning to catch.)

†        I think the press screening’s due next Monday, Debbi, that could be where people are getting mixed up.   And I think there’s cinema screenings: certainly in Australia.   Oh, did you catch the new trailer?   I think there’s a snippet of the updated theme tune, there, but don’t quote me.   Actually, there’s a version called the Delaware mix: that was supposed to be used for Jon Pertwee.   It wasn’t, eventually, it was just a bit too odd … 


  1. Q1) Lucha libre
    Q2) The Fall of Gondolin
    Q3) The Sleeper Awakes
    Q4) 1973 (Carrie)
    Q5) Beijing
    I'll keep you posted on the radio front (this afternoon we are chasing local news...) Have a good Friday and I hope the Doctor Who date is revealed soon!

  2. From the RADIO Times web page.

    Doctor Who returns to BBC1 on Sunday 7th October

    It does not give the time.


  3. I hope they don't change the theme song too much. I like the sound of the tried and true original. :)

    1. lucha libre
    2. The Fall of Gondolin
    3. The Sleeper Awakes
    4. 1974
    5. Beijing

  4. Yeah, I knew that, Trevor: it’s been advertised for a while.

    Right at the moment, it’s the time that people want to see.

    You me, and Debbi included … !


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