
Thursday 11 October 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th October, 2018

11th October, 2018.

I’m really starting to worry, there: I’m starting to worry I look slightly more camp in those introductory videos than I intend too.

Oy … !

At ANY rate?

And as I’ve mentioned Because We Want To*?

I’d better pass it along … 


At ANY rate … ?

At any rate, the job hunting is turning up a few positions: one or two of which look … interesting.

Which is possibly the best way of putting it.

It’s got to be better than last night.

We had new software installed both on the phones, and on the works computers.

The phones seem to be working well: or well enough.

But logging on to the new computer software we use to track our calls?

Well … 

There could’ve been a bit more time taken to shake the bugs out, making sure the damn thing was pointed at the right internal server!


In other news?

I think I’m going to have to head for town, later: before I go to work.

The Brentwood Gazette has published a brief chat I had with Piers Meyler, their Local Democracy correspondent.

With yours truly.

I’ll have to do a clipping of the article, as it’s not online … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 11th October is the Feast day of Saint Æthelburh of where?
Q2) It also marks the feast of Saint Lommán of Trim.   Where’s Trim: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland of the Republic of Ireland?
Q3) The Gang of Four were arrested on 11th October, 1976.   After attempting a coup … where?
Q4) 11th October saw the start of the Second Boer War: between the UK, and the boers of the Transvaal and Orange Free State.   11th October, of which year?
Q5) Finally … 11th October, 1138, saw an earthquake hit which Syrian city?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 10th October, 1928, saw Chang Kai-shek become chairman of the Republic of where?
Q2) William Lassell discovered the largest moon of Neptune: on 10th October, 1846.   What IS that moon?
A2) Triton.
Q3) The Outer Space Treaty went into force: on 10th October, 1967.   As of April of this year, how many nations are party to the Treaty?
A3) 107.
Q4) 10th October, 1877, saw the birth carmaker, William Morris, 1st Baron Nuffield.   The last British owners of Morris Motors, his car company, were whom: Austin Rover, Bentley or Rolls Royce?
Q5) Finally … Director, Ed Wood was born on 10th October, 1924.  Which of his films was originally going to be called The Racket Queen?
Here’s a thought …
“A man is nowhere without money …”
Henry J Heinz, October 11, 1844 – May 14, 1919.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        The rhino doorman at the end?   Possibly explain the Judoon … 

†        Work’s playing the usual game, Olga: Silly Buggers!   And yes: it’s temporary.   At least … it’ll last until the next set of new starters gets hired!   As for bother … !   Dratted Windows software, grr, mutter, mutter!   (Yep, VERY cheesy: I have to say, it also sounds like a bad Goth album!)

‡        I can appreciate that, Debbi.   I’m kind of stuck: it’s taken me years to persuade my family Facebook’s a good idea.   Getting them on to Twitter … ?   Would take a lot longer!   Oh, by the way: think this might grab you!


  1. Q1) Barking (what a name!)
    Q2) Ireland
    Q3) China
    Q4) 1899
    Q5) Aleppo
    One of the students at the UoPeople has alerted me to something in Moodle that seems not to be working as described in the course, although the support team says it is meant to be like that. It does not match my instructions on how to correct and grade homework, and it's worrying because I assumed it worked differently all the time I've been teaching here... (It should not make much of a difference to students but it makes no sense to me). Oh well...

  2. That is very cool about David Tennant! :) I love it.

    1. Kent
    2. the Republic of Ireland
    3. China
    4. 1899
    5. Aleppo


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