
Monday 8 October 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8th October, 2018

8th October, 2018.

Yep: I’m up late.

I HATE getting up late!

OK, I’ve another day off, today: so it’s not as if I need to be anywhere, sharpish.

But still … 


In other parts of the world … ?

I got to see The Woman Who Fell To Earth, Jodie Whittaker’s first episode of Doctor Who, last night.

I think I’m with everyone else.

She’s great!

So good, I’ve got The Woman Who Fell To Earth on in the background … 

For the third viewing.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 8th October, 2014, saw the death of Thomas Eric Duncan.   He was the first in the USA to die of what: HIV/AIDS, the Ebola virus or Polio?
Q2) LBC — the UK’s first commercial radio station — began broadcasting on 8th October, 1973.   What did it broadcast: news, music or drama?
Q3) 8th October, 1969, saw the first of the Days of Rage event take place: protesting against the Vietnam War.   In which US city?
Q4) 8th October, 1895, saw the birth of King Zog 1st … of where … ?
Q5) Finally … ?   8th October, 1818, saw the birth of John H. Reagan.   Reagan was Secretary of the Treasury for whom: the USA, CSA or IOC?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Which US news channel started broadcasting: on 7th October, 1996.
A1) Fox News.
Q2) 7th October, 1968, saw the birth of singer, Thom Yorke: frontman for which band?
A2) Radiohead.
Q3) The English crown charter the Province of Massachusetts Bay: on 7th October, 1691.   Which US state is the province’s successor?
A3) The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Q4) The cruise liner, Achille Lauro, was hijacked: on 7th October, 1985.   By whom: the IRA, the PLO or the KGB?
A4) The PLO.
Q5) Finally … Germany signed the treaty that founded the Dual Alliance: on 7th October, 1879.   With which empire?
Here’s a thought …
“Don’t tell me if you think I’m good enough or not. I didn’t ask you. Teachers who do that should be fired.”
Sigourney Weaver, born October 8, 1949.
And a song …


Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I have to admit, I’m an ex-smoker, Olga.   But that clip does put me in mind of the smoking area at work.   We get emails about it.   And I have to say, our IT department says exactly the same.   Fascinating little article, that, by the way.   And I heard about Microsoft’s server experiment: the idea’s very sound.   If I remember the news article I read about it from way back, there’s concerns about pollution: no-one was sure how Microsoft were planning to replace damaged parts.   Now … about Dr Who

†        They’re worth a read, Debbi, they really are.   Casino Royale’s permanently on my shelves!   I think I’m going to have to sit down with them, again.   Once I’ve finished 2001 … !   Now … about Dr Who … !


  1. Q1) The Ebola virus
    Q2) News
    Q3) Chicago
    Q4) Albania (A fabulous name. Seems to belong in Doctor Who or some other Sci-Fi or fantasy series).
    Q5) USA

    Well, I guess it's time to start a diving course... (I did one of those short ones when I visited Cancun a long time ago. Perhaps a tiny drone submarine?)
    I saw your post about Doctor Who... :)

  2. OMG! Was Jodie the best or what?

    She is quite simply the Doctor. No question. :)

    1. the Ebola virus
    2. news
    3. Chicago
    4. Albania
    5. the USA


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