
Tuesday 9 October 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9-10-2018: World Post Day

9th October, 2018.

Yes: I’m off, again, today.

And, as relaxing as that can be?

It’s not necessarily something I want.

Given the shifts, at the moment?

It’s unpaid holiday.

Yes, I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for other employment.

But … 

Well … it’s frustrating.


Right now … ?

I’m looking at a news piece on the BBC’s website: that Google are to cancel their Google+ social network.

After a data breach affected it.


Some 500, 00 people had private data exposed.

It’s be a shame to see it go.

It’s a handy way of advertising the blog.

On the other hand … ?

Google’s just dropped the ball.

Even further than you’d think.

It seems they knew about it since March … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 9th October is World Post Day.   The day marks the founding of the Universal Postal Union: in which year of the 1870s?
Q2) The union was founded in which European country?
Q3) The Union helps co-ordinate the postal services across the world.   Items posted can include parcels, letters … and what else … ?
Q4) To send a letter through the post you need to stick on a … what?
Q5) Finally … The UK’s service is the Royal Mail.   The US one, the US Postal Service.   Spain’s is Correos.   The PTT delivers the mail … where?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 8th October, 2014, saw the death of Thomas Eric Duncan.   He was the first in the USA to die of what: HIV/AIDS, the Ebola virus or Polio?
A1) The Ebola virus.
Q2) LBC — the UK’s first commercial radio station — began broadcasting on 8th October, 1973.   What did it broadcast: news, music or drama?
A2) News.
Q3) 8th October, 1969, saw the first of the Days of Rage event take place: protesting against the Vietnam War.   In which US city?
A3) Chicago.
Q4) 8th October, 1895, saw the birth of King Zog 1st … of where … ?
A4) Albania.
Q5) Finally … ?   8th October, 1818, saw the birth of John H. Reagan.   Reagan was Secretary of the Treasury for whom: the USA, CSA or IOC?
A5) The Confederate States of America, or CSA.

Here’s a thought …
Motto of the Ankh Morpork Post office, in Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels‡.
And some songs …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser: which has less music …

Have a good day.

*        You know, it’s funny you should mention Zog, in that context, Olga.   I think a character with that name turned up in Ace Trucking Co.   No, wait, tell a lie!   He was in Black Hawk … !   Sorry, quick Googling, there … !   Hmmm, some sort of drone could work: but we’d still be looking at the corrosion.   And cheers for the comment on the Dr Who post!   (Wouldn’t say no to diving lessons: mind you, I can’t swim …)

†        She was fantastic, Debbi!   AND she provoke a rather good blog post!   I’m rather pleased it went down well … !   Here’s hoping next week’s as good …!

‡        Some of the letters had been stolen by the owner of Hugo’s, a posh but unscrupulous hairdressers.


  1. Q1) 1874
    Q2) Switzerland
    Q3) postcards
    Q4) A letterbox
    Q5) Turkey

    I've read some other positive reviews about the new doctor as well. Good luck on the job front.

  2. She sure was. I have faith that the series is going to be great!

    1. 1874
    2. Switzerland
    3. periodicals
    4. stamp
    5. Turkey


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