
Tuesday 13 November 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13th November, 2018

13th November, 2018.

News, news news, news … 

News … !

You’ve possibly seen it coming: as have I.

But I’ve been laid off from work.

And, before you ask?

I was a temp worker, there: with all the rule differences that implies.

I’m ALSO wondering … 

Well, all sorts of things.

Frankly, I was at the company — an out-sourcing firm called Pinnacle — for some 2 years: long enough, were I a permanent member of staff, to qualify for redundancy.

Not that I was made redundant.

That’s the other thing.

I was there for two years: and never offered a permanent contract.

When everyone who started after me?

Was … 

OK, I was told my calls per hour weren’t up to snuff: something I had my doubts about.

I feel that — with recent changes to the actual phone software? — that it was improving.

What CAN I tell you … ?

Apart from the fact I’m now job hunting: and will be heading for the job centre, later, to sort out any benefits.


Just as a last news thing?

You’ll have possibly read about the death of Marvel creator, Stan Lee, yesterday.

Which I found saddening.

Although, to be brutally honest, I was never a huge fan of Stan’s work: influential though I know it was.


I felt the death — also yesterday — of Douglas Rain — the voice of 2001: A Space Odyssey’s Hal 9000 — more keenly.

The man voiced an icon.

Either way?

Either way, the loss of both is sad: and my thoughts, and condolences, go to both men’s families.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 13th November, 1901, was the date of the Caister Lifeboat Disaster.   Disaster, and lifeboat station, were on the coast of where: Norfolk, Suffolk or Essex?
Q2) The Mariner 9 craft went into orbit around Mars: on 13th November of which year … ?
Q3) 13th November, 1985, saw the eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz.   The Nevado del Ruiz is in which country?
Q4) Same sex marriage was legalised on 13th November, 2013.   In which US state?
Q5) Terrorist attacks took place on 13th November, 2015.   In which French city?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 12th November, 1980, saw the birth of actor, Ryan Gosling.   In which film does he play Sebastian Wilder?
A1) La La Land.
Q2) New York’s main immigration centre closed down: on 12th November, 1954.   That centre was on which Island?
Q3) Two years later, 12th November, 1956, saw Morocco join the UN.   What’s Morocco’s capital?
A3) Rabat.
Q4) 12th November, 1956, saw Sudan join the UN.   Name either of Sudan’s official languages.
A4) Arabic or English.
Q5) Great train robber, Ronnie Biggs, avoided extradition: in a court decision on 12th November, 1997.   Which country was he in … ?
A5) Brazil.   (Cue the music.   I blame Terry Gilliam …)
Here’s a thought …
“You think anybody’s going to listen to a bunch of scientists? No offense. But nobody has so far.”
From Evolution, by Stephen Baxter, born 13 November 1957.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Can you keep them crossed for me, please, Olga‡?   I think I’m going to need them!   (Another three hundred and thirteen Youtube subscribers and I can start claiming advertising revenue.   Ha!)

†        I get the impression Welsh has more consistent spelling than English, Debbi‡.   Oh, hang on … there’s possibly a world of difference between Welsh Welsh … and South American Welsh: there’s Welsh speakers in Argentina, would you believe?   (We took a lot of calls from Welsh local councils in my last job.   I’d see something with a Cardiff postcode and know I’d not be able to pronounce the street name!)

‡        Blast, JUST had one of the phone discussions I was due: they’re looking for staff who can drive … !


  1. Q1) Norfolk
    Q2) 1971
    Q3) Colombia
    Q4) Hawaii
    Q5) Paris
    Sorry, Paul, although it sounds as if you might be better off elsewhere. Yes, I'll keep my fingers crossed and I hope something better comes along.
    I visited an exhibition about Stanley Kubrick with a friend, on Saturday, and it was quite wonderful. We did see Hal,some fabulous costumes from the movie, great storyboards and models and blueprints. Oh,, and his director chair and plenty of stuff from other movies (the dresses of the twin girls in the Shinning, and a recreation of the typewriter and the piles of typescrit... yes, the axes as well...

  2. Hoo boy! Best of luck with the job search. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed, too! :)

    1. Norfolk
    2. 1971
    3. Colombia
    4. Hawaii
    5. Paris


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