
Friday 16 November 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16th November, 2018

16th November, 2018.

Yes: the job situation has left me feeling definitely a bit … 

You know … 


Which, to be frank?

Is nothing new.

I suffer with a mild form of depression: and tend to want to sleep a lot as a result.

Or, at least, feel a lot of fatigue and tiredness.

Personally, if I look glum, the next time you spot me?

Say ‘Hello.’

That helps … 


With all the spare time?

I’ve had the television on, a lot.


I can be odd without it for the radio on.

Of course, I had the news channel on.

Of course, the BBC broadcast the Prime Minister’s Brexit Statement: the one she made, yesterday, announcing the details of the Brexit Deal she’s finalised.

I had that on … because frankly?   It’s important.   The only way we find out how we’re getting of the EU, is to keep an eye on this.

What shocked me — and I’ll apologise for sound and vision not being exactly matched — was when one MP — arch-Brexiteer, Jacob Rees Mogg — asked this.

In other words?

What he’s asked the PM … ?

In the middle of the House of Commons, in a completely — as far as I know — unprecedented way.

Is if he could start a leadership challenge.

Someone’s in trouble.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 16th November is Icelandic Language Day.   The language is mostly spoken by whom?
Q2) 16th November is also the Feast day of Saint Othmar.   He’s usually depicted with a barrel of what: beer, wine or Absinthe?
Q3) 16th November, 1967, saw the birth of actress, Lisa Bonet.   In which TV series does she play Denise Huxtable?
Q4) A force led by Francisco Pizarro capture Atahualpa, on 16th November, 1532.   Atahualpa was Emperor of whom?
Q5) Line M1 was opened: on 16th November, 1979.   It’s part of The Metro in which European city?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Yau Wai-ching and Baggio Leung were banned from their state’s Parliament: on 15th November, 2016.   Which country’s Parliament were they banned from?
A1) Hong Kong’s.
Q2) Designed to give the Republic of Ireland more prominence in Northern Irish affairs, the Anglo Irish Agreement was signed on 15th November: of which year?
A2) 1985.
Q3) Intel released the first microprocessor on 15th November, 1971.   What was that processor called?
A3) The 4004.
Q4) The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus declared itself independent on 15th November, 1983.   What’s the only country to have given it diplomatic recognition?
A4) Turkey.
Q5) Finally … ?   15th November, 1738, saw the birth of William Herschel.   Which planet did he discover?
A5) Uranus.
Here’s a thought …
“I was literally the black sheep of the family, and there were definitely moments of discomfort while my grandmother was working through her racism.”
Lisa Bonet, born November 16, 1967.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oh, him eating it was menacing, Olga.   Watching De Niro peel the bloody thing, though?!   Well … !   At any rate, it’s an appropriate film to mention, today: it’s Lisa Bonet’s birthday, after all …

†        I’ve managed to get ties, actually, Debbi!   OK, granted: it’s a couple of cheap and nasty ones from a local charity shop: but it was never handier … !   (What is the US English term for a charity shop?   I keep thinking it would be thrift store, but never got around to asking … )


  1. Q1) Icelanders
    Q2) Wine
    Q3) The Cosby Show
    Q4) The Incas
    Q5) Bucharest
    The Brexit saga keeps getting more and more bizarre. Happy to hear you got the ties. Perhaps it's time for a few comedies...

  2. Yeah, I think thrift store or thrift shop would be right. Probably.

    Sometimes, they get fancy and call them "vintage clothing stores". :)

    1. Icelanders
    2. wine
    3. The Cosby Show
    4. the Incas
    5. Bucharest


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