
Sunday 18 November 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18th November, 2018

18th November, 2018.

Yep: in amongst everything else?

It’s bin emptying day, today.

I’ve ALSO got a couple emails to do, job-hunting to be done … 

And confess I dropped of a couple of CVs, in Romford, yesterday.

Partly, I wanted the day out.

And partly?   I wanted to see how the Oyster I’ve got, works.


Quite well.

So that’s that sorted … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 18th November, 1961, saw 18, 000 US ‘military advisers’ sent to which then country?
Q2) By which US President?
Q3) Moving on … ?   The push button phoned debuted on 18th November, 1963.   The tones each button generates is a DTMF tone.   In other words, it’s Dual-Tone Multiwhat?
Q4) Tawados 2nd was named as head of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria.   As such, what’s his title?
Q5) 18th November, 1809, saw French frigates beat British East Indiamen: in which Indian bay?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 17th November, 1944, saw the birth of Danny DeVito.   In which film does he voice a Dr Seuss character that speaks for the trees?
A1) The Lorax.
Q2) Georges Besse was shot and killed: on 17th November, 1986.   He was the head of which French car company?
A2) Renault.
Q3) Which British sailor went on trial for treason: on 17th November, 1603?
Q4) Which Coloradan city was founded: on 17th November, 1858?
A4) Denver.
Q5) Finally … ?   17th November, 1292, saw John Balliol become king of where … ?
A5) Scotland.
Here’s a thought …
“I’m all for whingeing, of course - we’re writers, it’s our golf‡.”
Steven Moffat, born 18 November 1961.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Probably getting Dave Gorman in, could work, Olga: at least he knows about the Scientific Method!

†        I know you can, Debbi!   (It’s call Verde Vintage, and, conveniently, it takes Apple Pay.   Which doesn’t make up for the fact it’s at the top of THAT hill!)   And my pleasure, Debbi!   Nice to see fezzes and psychic paper lurking about.   And it looks like we’ve a satire about a Well Known Online Shop.   (Oh, the clipped mentioned Robophobia.   Last time I saw that mentioned was in The Robots Of Death.)

‡        Cue the music … 


  1. Q1) South Vietnam
    Q2) John Fitzgerald Kennedy
    Q3) Frequency
    Q4) Pope (one of my best friends was born in Alexandria and is a Copt. Interesting dietary rules…)
    Q5) The Bay of Bengal
    I was watching one of those programs about buying and selling containers, here, a celebrity version, and Dave Gorman was on it. Pretty clever choices as well...;)

  2. I was going to say that it looked suspiciously like good old Amazon. Ha!

    Speaking of which, I'm trying to run an Amazon ad for one of my books and they won't let it run, because my payment info is allegedly not up-to-date. Well, excuse me, but it most certainly is. Jerks!

    Naturally, I couldn't find a way to contact them by phone about this. But I sent a message. We'll see what comes of it.

    Robot company, indeed!

    1. South Vietnam
    2. John F. Kennedy
    3. Frequency
    4. Pope
    5. Bay Bengal


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