
Friday 9 November 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9-11-2018: The Ripper’s Last Job …

9th November, 2018.

Yes: I’ve actually got a video that needs sharing.

There’s something of a selfish reason to it, as well.

Remember, a few days ago, I told you about an eviction notice I got: a notice ordering a tenant out of their home, in Pilgrim’s Hatch.

On the other side of town.

I spent a few minutes, yesterday: putting the thing into a nearby postcard, and phoning the Gazette about it.

After all, someone’s eviction notice getting posted to the wrong address sounds like a story they’d be interested in …

I did something else, too.

Make this video … 

Something I used in my review of Poltergeist, last night.

Now … 

Given what the subject?

Was posting that video legal?   Ethical?   Moral?   Dammit, helpful?

I don’t know.

All I can say is simply that my motive in this.

Is trying to find out why Alexandra Farrell’s eviction notice, the notice from her landlord at Warescot Road, and from her landlord, Harry Howard, ended up in my letter box.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers:  scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 9th November saw the body of Jack the Ripper’s last victim found.   What was her name?
Q2) Her body was found in which year?
Q3) The victim said she was from where: Limerick, Cork or Kerry?
Q4) Her body was found at her lodgings in Dorset Street.   Dorset Street is where: Millwall, Poplar or Spitalfields?
Q5) Finally … ?   The victim is buried where: Lea Bridge, Leyton or Leytonstone?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The Bodleian Library was opened to the public, on 8th November: of which year?
A1) 1602.
Q2) It’s the research Library for which University: Oxford, Cambridge or St. Andrews?
A2) Oxford.
Q3) The Bodleian is one of six Legal Deposit Libraries in the UK and Ireland: libraries where you can deposit a book for copyright purposes.   Name one of the other five.
A3) The British Library, Cambridge University Library, Library of Trinity College, Dublin, the National Library of Wales, the 0r the National Library of Scotland.   (Trinity College Library is on the list: as a holdover from when Ireland was part of the Union.)
Q4) Over the years, the Bodleian’s had twenty-five … what?
A4) Librarians.   
Q5) Finally … ?   What’s the Library’s oldest building … ?
A5) The fifteenth century Duke Humfrey’s Library.
Here’s an obituary …
“The funeral of the murdered woman has once more been postponed. Deceased was a Catholic, and the man Barnett, with whom she lived, and her landlord, Mr. M. Carthy, desired to see her remains interred with the ritual of her Church.”
From the victim’s Obituary, in the Daily Telegraph of 19th November, that year.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        My pleasure, Debbi, anytime … !   Oh … did I mention the video I did?   About the eviction notice … ?   I did a video.   Whether it’s sensible … ?   Is a whole other matter.   (What do you think, something for Ms McRae?)

1 comment:

  1. Ms. McRae would need to know more details before deciding whether to take anyone on as a client. She's barely keeping herself in office space. :)

    1. Mary Jane Kelly
    2. 1888
    3. Limerick
    4. Spitalfields
    5. Leytonstone


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