
Saturday 1 December 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-12-2018: World AIDS Day

1st December, 2018.

Right … 

Christmas has — in some senses — come early.

As my family’s decided to get me a new phone: for which I’m eternally grateful.

It’s not an iPhone: we couldn’t afford it.

But is a Huawei P Smart.

It says here … 

I know there’s security concerns about Huawei’s infrastructure … 

But the phone, itself?

Has a rather good camera.

And a better processor than my iMac!



Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Olga scoring ten out ten and Debbi on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 1st December is World’s AIDS Day.   The disease has its origins in what was the Belgian … what?
Q2) The HIV 1 form of HIV — the virus that causes AIDS — is said to have its origins in what: chimps, lemurs or oran utans?
Q3) The virus transferred from animals to humans: in a process called what?
Q4) What’s the name of the 1985 play — by Larry Kramer — about the 1981 outbreak of AIDS in the US?
Q5) Finally … ?   A treatment has been developed that seems to prevent people catching AIDS.   What’s it called?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 30th November is Saint Andrew’s Day.   The Saint is patron saint of Scotland … and which Italian ‘A’?
A1) Amalfi.
Q2) The day is a public holiday in Scotland.   And where else: Romania, Rwanda or Reykjavík?
A2) Romania.
Q3) Which Scottish University traditionally gives its students a day off, on Saint Andrews Day?
A3) Saint Andrews.   (What DID you expect … ?)
Q4) Scottish celebrations of the day are said to have their origins in the reign of which Scottish King: John Balliol, Malcolm 3rd or James 1st and 6th?
Q5) What’s the Scot’s Gaelic name of Saint Andrew?
A5) Anndra.
Q6) As we’re heading for Scotland?   The Earl of Strathern is which member of the Royal Family?
A6) Prince William: the Duke of Cambridge, in other words.
Q7) What — by population — is Scotland’s largest city?
A7) Glasgow.
Q8) Holyrood is the seat of the Scottish … what?
Q9) Udal law is the form of law in Shetland … and where else?
A9) The Orkneys.
Q10) Finally … Vulpes vulpes vulpes is the Scottish species of red … what?
A10) Red Fox.
Here’s a thought …
“My having HIV has no bearing on my business.”
Magic Johnson.
And a song from Queen: I felt it was appropriate, given Freddie Mercury‡ died of complications from HIV/AIDS.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Hopefully there’ll be more interviews, Olga!   Hopefully!   As for infrastructure … ?   And the day a UK government office uses a version of Linux, I’ll be surprised … !   As for Carlos … ?   What can I tell you?   The impression I’ve picked up is that some Japanese emperors have done something similar: but also get the feeling that the politics were … murky … (First time I saw it mentioned, was in the GURPS Japan sourcebook.   Steve Jackson Games are very good at research: it’s got them into trouble.)

†        Yeah about the hand, Debbi: but I can’t resist them them, sometimes!   Oh, there’s another one coming on Monday!   I always find out some fascinating stuff, when I right them.   Oooh, I know I’ve mentioned it to Olga, but have you ever seen The Ministry of Time?   El Ministerio del Tiempo, in Spanish.   The last episode I saw has one of the main characters doing an opening and closing narration.   Just a bit noir … well, I thought so!

‡        I have still never watched the video: it’s something I find too upsetting …


  1. Q1) Congo
    Q2) Chimpanzees
    Q3) Zoonosis
    Q4) The Normal Heart (I studied it at Sussex, and I did a course called Queer Drama. It was a great course).
    Q5) I am not sure what you refer to. People who have been exposed can use antiretroviral therapy (ART), but it is not specific as a preventative medication, it is the same medication people with the illness take…
    The phone looks good. I had looked at that brand years back and it seemed pretty good for the price but ended up buying something else. At the moment I have one of those Chinese things and I wouldn’t recommend it in particular, but I’ve never been too keen on mobiles from the beginning …

  2. I haven't seen that one. Is it streamed or on a TV channel?

    1. Congo
    2. chimps
    3. zoonosis
    4. The Normal Heart
    5. Truvada


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