
Friday 28 December 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th December, 2018.

28th December, 2018.

Hmmm … 

I think we can safely say that going back to bed has … 

Well, definitely has appeal.

The fact that, after I made that intro, I had a nice hot cup of tea?

Does help keep me up.

The reason I’m tired?

I’m getting old!

Or staying up late to watch movies!

Am I the only one that thinks David Cronenberg’s Videodrome is just ever-so-slightly odd … ?


Talking of films?

I’ve got Radio 4’s Today programme on in the background: as ever.

They’ve told us that the BBC’s Film programme is to finish: after some forty-seven years.

The show, and its presenters — Barry Norman, Jonathon Ross and Claudia Winkleman — has built up a reputation for being both entertaining, accurate, and knowledgeable about its subject.


I think that’s both a shame … and a mistake.


Oh, one other thing the Today programme mentioned?

Apparently, there are plans afoot to have more in-cell phones in UK prisons.

Yes: I can see there’s arguments — good arguments — about prison management, there.

But I’m also aware that — in many prisons — prisoners share cells.

I can’t help but think doing this will reduce violence on the wing — arguments about access to pay phones is a big cause of fights — but will increase the amount of in-cell violence.

As men sharing a cell argue about who’s turn it is to use the phone.

We’ll have to see.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 28th December is the feast day of Simon the Athonite.   Simon famously set up a monastery on Mount Athos.   Mount Athos is in which country?
Q2) During the civil war in Somalia, 28th December, 2006, saw Somali government forces capture which city?
Q3) 28th December, 1856, saw the birth of Woodrow Wilson.   He was which president of the USA: the 26th, 27th or 28th?
Q4) 28th December, 1934, saw the birth of actress, Maggie Smith.   In which series does she play the Dowager Countess of Grantham?
Q5) Finally … 28th December, 1836, saw Spain recognise which country’s independence?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The original version of Star Wars aired in the UK: on 27th December of 1977.   In a sad co-incidence, which member of Star Wars cast died on 27th December, 2016?
Q2) That cast member is survived by her daughter, Billie Lourd.   From 2017, Billie Lourd is a regular member of the cast of which gruesome US TV show?
Q3) The much missed actress published a semi-autobiographical novel: in 1987.   Called Postcards from the … what?
A3) Postcards from the Edge.
Q4) Name either of our star’s famous parents.
Q5) Finally … The late star’s last appearance — taken from unused footage in earlier The Last Jedi — will be in the next Star Wars film: a film that, as of the time of writing, unnamed.   Is that film Star Wars eight, nine or ten?
Here’s a thought …
“‘Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you’ is the greatest phrase ever written. If everyone followed that creed, this world would be a paradise.”
Stan Lee, December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Ooh, about the (French) Beauforts, @Badwolf_Omega … ?   I think they turned into the Montmerencys … 

†        I’ve always had the impression, Olga, that turkey’s a tricky one: you have to cook it for exactly the right amount of time, or end up in trouble!   (My sister, Ruth, Jude’s mum, is vegetarian: she got medically advised to have a certain amount of meat, while she was expecting, though.   Not something she enjoyed!)

‡        It’s something to look at, Debbi, I know that much!


  1. (1) Greece (2)Mogadishu(3) 28th President(4)Downton Abbey(5)independence of Mexico

  2. Q1) Greece
    Q2) Mogadishu
    Q3) 28th
    Q4) Downton Abbey
    Q5) Mexico
    Weird advice, I'd say. There are other sources for everything but... I've never been pregnant, so who knows? I guess the advice might have changed over time
    I agree with you on the turkey front. Here they are not as popular.

  3. Well, this is my last entry for a bit. So have a very happy new year's celebration of whatever sort! :)

    1. Greece
    2. Mogadishu
    3. 28th
    4. Downton Abbey
    5. Mexico


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