
Saturday 29 December 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th December, 2018

29th December, 2018.

Right … 

You can tell I need caffeine, can’t you … ?

Yes: it’s the morning after the movie night, before … !

The I saw … Alien … !

It has to be said, Scott’s best known movie is still looking good, nearly forty years after its original release.


One sad thing I noted in the news?

Was the simple fact that music retailers, HMV, has gone into administration for the second time in five years.

With the chain’s owners blaming both tougher business rates, and the raise of digital downloads and streaming.

I’m saddened to hear the news.   And sympathetic to the staff’s plight.

I was working at Threshers when it went down: it’s demise was blamed — in part — by the rise of online retailers like Majestic.

I’m sympathetic … 

But also aware that I, like you, am part of HMV’s struggles.

Let’s face it, we are ALL buying music from iTunes, and Amazon: or streaming from Amazon Prime, Netflix, and lord knows wherever else.

If HMV is going to survive, it needs to have an online offering on a par with Netflix and Amazon.


That will be tough.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 29th December, 2017, saw a fire break out: in an apartment in the Belmont area of the Bronx.   Fire, and district, are in which city?
Q2) The modern Republic of Ireland came in to existence.   By announcing its new constitution on the 29th of December: of which year?
Q3) Arctic conditions hit The UK: on 29th December of which year: 2000, 2001 or 2002?
Q4) The UK settled a major debt it owed to the USA: on 29th December, 2006.   The load had been made in which year?
Q5) Finally … 29th December, 1908, saw the birth of which nutritionist and TV presenter?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 28th December is the feast day of Simon the Athonite.   Simon famously set up a monastery on Mount Athos.   Mount Athos is in which country?
A1) Greece.
Q2) During the civil war in Somalia, 28th December, 2006, saw Somali government forces capture which city?
A2) Mogadishu.
Q3) 28th December, 1856, saw the birth of Woodrow Wilson.   He was which president of the USA: the 26th, 27th or 28th?
A3) The 28th.   (Pointless trivia: whilst Wilson was growing up, his family owned slaves …)
Q4) 28th December, 1934, saw the birth of actress, Maggie Smith.   In which series does she play the Dowager Countess of Grantham?
Q5) Finally … 28th December, 1836, saw Spain recognise which country’s independence?
A5) Mexico’s.
Here’s a thought …
“If it squirms, it’s biology. If it stinks, it’s chemistry. If it doesn’t work, it’s physics. And if you can’t understand it, it’s mathematics.”
Magnus Pyke.
And the only song Magnus Pyke ever took part in … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Just had a look at Elizabeth Stuart’s Wikipedia page, @Badwolf: she died at fourteen!   Dear lord!

†        What can I tell you, Olga?   Never having been pregnant myself … !   Turkey’s not popular in Spain, you say … ?   That’s probably a good thing: they’s a pain to cook … !

‡        Have fun, Debbi!   Don’t forget, if you end up dancing on tables, burn the negatives!


  1. Q1) New York
    Q2) 1937
    Q3) 2000
    Q4) 1946
    Q5) Magnus Alfred Pyke
    Yes, I imagine. There is no big tradition of turkey here and I think people prefer other types of meat, and seafood and fish to tell you the truth, although different regions have different traditions (here in Catalonia, there is hearty soup eaten with vegetables and meat for Christmas, with whatever else after, and cannelloni on the 26th, that it's also a holiday, but not in all of Spain).

  2. (1)New York (2)1937 (3)2000 (4)1946 (5)Magnus Alfred Pyke

  3. I have time for just one more! :)

    1. New York City
    2. 1937
    3. 2000
    4. 1945
    5. Rick Hay


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