
Wednesday 5 December 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5th December, 2018.

5th December, 2018.

Yes: I’m officially going nuts.

No, really.

Go have a look at the introduction video, there.

That one at the start of this post.

I’ve just realised I’ve said today’s Tuesday.

In spite of the fact the day’s Wednesday.

Can someone slap me, throw a bucket of water at the cat, and make sure I’ve taken my medication … ?

I think that’s possibly the only way to … you know … 

Don’t get stuff like this wrong … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Which country got banned from the 2018 Winter Olympics: on 5th December, 2017?
Q2) The Montgomery Bus Boycott started on 5th December, 1955.   It was led by union leader, ED Nixon.   Working with whom?
Q3) A South American country dissolved its military dictatorship: on 5th December, 1983.   Which country’s military dictatorship?
Q4) The first Europeans to set foot on Hispaniola — what’s now Haiti and the Dominican Republic — did so on 5th December, 1492.   Who was there leader?
Q5) Finally … ?   5th December, 1484, saw Pope Innocent 8th issue a bull: that allowed Inquisitors to hunt out witches.   Where: Spain, Germany or France?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The world’s first Sunday newspaper was first published: on 4th December, 1791.   What WAS that paper?
Q2) It’s now what size: broadsheet, Berliner or Tabloid?
A2) Tabloid.
Q3) The first Burger King branch opened: on 4th December, 1954.   What’s the company’s name … in Australia?
Q4) The Urus SUV was named as the world’s fastest car of its type: on 4th December, 2017.   The car is made by which Italian company?
A4) Lamborghini.   You can read the Wikipedia entry, here … 
Q5) Finally … ?   The Thomas Fire started on 4th December, 2017.   It was — until recently — the largest such fire in that US state’s history.   Which US state?
A5) California’s.
Here’s a thought …
“I would be willing, yes glad, to see a battle every day during my life.”
General George Custer^, December 5, 1839 – June 25, 1876.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*         Ministéricos, Olga?   Beats being a Smeghead!   I’ve seen quite a few Red Dwarf fans call themselves that.   Apparently?   The show’s creators used it as a made up swearword for the show: after seeing a brand of fridge.   At any rate … ?   I caught episode five, last night: they did some very good editing to make it look like the actor playing Picasso was left-handed‡.   (Yep, just three weeks: I’m just hoping the job centre will cover the cost of the ticket!)

†        I certainly try to, Debbi!   Oh, it looks like Mark Addy’s cropping up in this week’s episode of Dr Who.   I’ve not seen him in anything since that first series of Game of Throne.

‡        There’s arguments about Picasso’s handedness, I know.   But this clip shows him painting onto glass.   It looks like a lot of assumptions could be wrong, when you think about it …

^        That possibly says a lot about George Custer.


  1. Q1) Russia
    Q2) Rosa Parks
    Q3) Argentina
    Q4) Christopher Columbus
    Q5) Germany
    I think Picasso liked to confuse people and I suspect he could paint better with his foot than I'd ever manage with my right hand... But... Good luck anyway. And, don't worry, it's easy to forget which day it is...

  2. I could probably write all sorts of thoughts about the latest incarnation of the Doctor and the various episodes, but have been otherwise occupied! :)

    Still loving our new Doctor! Growing to like Ryan more all the time.

    1. Russia
    2. Martin Luther King, Jr (and Rosa Parks and Fred Gray)
    3. Argentina
    4. Christopher Columbus
    5. Germany


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