
Friday 7 December 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7th December, 2018.

7th December, 2018.

Yep: I’m hoping what the BBC’s News site, the Today programme, and, indeed, O2’s own site, tell me is true.

That their services are up and running.

I hope so: I’d like to maybe send send a tweet or two, while I’m out and about.

That’s the other thing: over the past week or so, I’ve had a few potential employers phones, as well as the inevitable PPI sales people, boiler repair men, and Microsoft repair scammers.

Getting calls from potential employers?

That’s something I can do with.

So, not getting them?   Through no fault of my own … ?

Is not something I wanted to happen.

Frankly?   The fact I’m reassured that it’s because O2’s partner, Ericsson, had incorrectly configured some software?

Well … 

Makes me wonder if O2 will start buying in kit that’s reliable.

From, say, Huawei!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers:  scoring five out of five in the process.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Bassist, Greg Lake, died on 7th December, 2016.   What was the name of his 1975 Christmas hit?
Q2) The first US state to ratify the US constitution, did so on 7th December, 1787.   Which state was it … ?
Q3) 7th December, 1995, saw the Galileo spacecraft arrive at its destination.   Which planet was that … ?
Q4) 7th December, 1732, saw what open in Covent Garden?
Q5) Finally … 7th December, 1989, saw the birth of American sportsman, Kyle Hendricks.   What sport does he play: rugby union, golf or baseball?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Many countries celebrate Saint Nicholas’ Day on 6th December.   In many parts of the world, he’s traditionally accompanied by which K … ?
A1) The Krampus.   (Saint Nicholas hands out presents to good children.   Krampus eats bad children …)
Q2) The Everglades National Park was formally dedicated: on 6th December, 1947.   The park is (mostly) in which US state?
A2) Florida.
Q3) NASA revealed a set of photos of Mars: on 6th December, 2006.   The photos implied Mars had what: life, water or cheese?
A3) Water.
Q4) Jazz mæstro, Dave Brubeck, was born on 6th December, 1920.   What instrument did he play … ?
A4) The piano.
Q5) Finally … 6th December, 1912, saw archeologists discover a bust of Queen Nefertiti.   Nefertiti was the wife of which Egyptian pharaoh?
A5) Akhenaten.
Here’s a thought …
“And I did Batman, too. I did Mr. Freeze. I get more mail for him than anything I’ve ever done.”
Eli Wallach, December 7, 1915 – June 24, 2014.
And a song from birthday boy, Bent Fabric …

And, given Pete Shelley of the Buzzcocks, died, yesterday?

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Either way … ?   We’re only a few away from the next episode, Debbi!   Actually, Did I tell you I complained about the Christmas episode being moved to New Year’s Day?   I complained about the Christmas episode being moved to New Year’s Day … and got a polite email back to say it would get passed along to the producers …   (Hmmm … we seem to have a missing Olga … !)


  1. Q1) I Believe in Father Christmas
    Q2) Delaware
    Q3) Jupiter
    Q4) The Royal Opera House
    Q5) Baseball
    I'm sure I replied to one of the Tweets yesterday saying that it was a holiday here (the Day of the Constitution... and it was the 40th anniversary yesterday, anyway) and we had some relatives coming for lunch. On top of that, Thursday and Friday are my main days to correct homework for the University of the People (I try to do as much as I can during the week, but most students wait until the last minute, and the week starts on Thursday there, although one of the assignments is due on Thursday night). So it was a long day... Good to see my cousin and his little girl, although she seemed to have got a cold (5 years old, so it's never ending at that age).
    I've read that the Huawei top executive has been arrested...(Ericsson has a very long history of telephone technology, doesn't it?)

  2. It's been ages since I last heard that song, "Alley Cat".

    1. I Believe in Father Christmas
    2. Delaware
    3. Jupiter
    4. The Royal Opera House
    5. baseball

    I'm sure Olga will be back! Hey, Olga, you out there? :)


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