
Sunday 9 December 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9th December, 2018

9th May, 2018.

Yep: it’s officially official … I’m off to a party.

A children’s one: celebrating my nephew’s birthday.

OK, granted, it’s a little early: his birthday’s actually on Boxing Day.

But it’s the only time that the room could be booked, and assorted animals could be brought in.

These guys, I think.

So it should be … 

Interesting … 


OK, just as a quick thought … ?

JUST as a quick thought … ?

I managed to catch another episode of El Ministerio del Tiempo, last night: another classy episode, I should add, of of passion and revenge.

But I have to ask … 

Am I the only person thinking Amelia’s only role, sometimes, is to shout ‘¡Alonso!’ at some point … ?

And … am I the only person who wants to correct the grammar in subtitles … ?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The world’s first branch of the YMCA in in North America was established: on 9th December, 1851.   In which US city?
Q2) 9th December, 1973, saw the signing of the Sunningdale Agreement.   It set up a council of where?
Q3) Dense fog cleared from London and South East England: on 9th December, 1952.   The period was called the Great … what?
Q4) 9th December, 2017, saw Australia legalise what: recreational cannabis use, same sex marriage, or the Defenestration of Prague?
Q5) Finally … ?   9th December, 1906, saw the birth of computer scientist, Grace Hopper.   In addition to helping lay the foundations of COBOL, she was one of a small group of computer scientist to find the first computer … what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Which of Beethoven’s Symphonies debuted on 8th December, 1813?
A1) His 7th Symphony.
Q2) Japan’s IKAROS spacecraft passed Venus: on 8th December, 2010.   The craft was powered by what: a nuclear generator, solar sails or coal?
Q3) President Franklin D. Roosevelt made a speech on 8th December, 1941: describing the day before — 7th December — as a day that will live in … what?
A3) Infamy‡.
Q4) The House of Lords voted on 8th December, 1983.   To allow what into the House: women, TV cameras or cleaners?
Q5) A noted heavy metal band performed in Antartica on 8th December, 2013: becoming the first band of any kind to have played on all seven continents.   Which heavy metal band … ?
A5) Metallica.
Here’s a thought …
“If they put you down somewhere with nothing to do, go to sleep — you don’t know when you'll get any more.”
Grace Hopper, December 9, 1906 – January 1, 1992.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’m am quite definitely worried, Olga: Bella’s a tough woman, but … well, what can I tell you?   Bar that side of the family’s all worried: she’s the oldest surviving member … 

†        Saying that, Debbi … ?   I couldn’t resist a Junior Wells tune, today: the Blues Brothers had an ok cover on one of their live albums.   (Finding the video, surprised me!)

‡        OK, cue Kenneth Williams … 


  1. Q1) Montreal (sorry? Montreal is not in the US) Perhaps it’s me…
    Q2) Ireland
    Q3) Smog
    Q4) same sex marriage
    Q5) Sorry, I am not sure about this question. It could be a number of things, I guess… Bug? By the way, what an amazing lady!
    Regarding Amalia, it depends on the era. She is the head of the team, and when they go to a historical period she has studied (before her time, that is) she has insight to offer. Of course, that does not apply when they go to more recent times, and if they visit the era around Alonso’s period, he has the street knowledge, while she is more of a book person. Yes, she could be more assertive, but I guess it fits in with her historical period and her persona. I’m not sure if you’ve watched any of the episodes with Lope de Vega in them (I can’t remember the order of the episodes), but she is a hero-worshipper. Her personal life and possible connections play a bigger part as the series advances. I guess I have a soft spot for her because she is from Barcelona. And, she does earn Alonso’s respect, despite the fact that he has no understanding of women’s rights… (I don’t want to offer any spoilers, but let’s say she is more committed to her job than the men are…)
    Oh, enjoy the party. I love owls so I hope they bring some!

  2. Grace Hopper had a lot of firsts. Hopefully, I picked the right one! :)

    1. Boston (on Dec. 29:
    2. Ireland
    3. Smog of 1952
    4. same sex marriage
    5. compiler-related tools OR compiler-based programming languages

    There you go! :)


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