
Tuesday 1 January 2019

Millennium: A Review

31st December, 2018.

I’m have to admit, its New Year’s Eve.

And, as I write, 2019 is about an hour or so away.

Let’s hope it’s a good one, shall we?

From where I’m sitting, the most I can hope for … ?

Frankly, is a job.

Wish me luck on that front.

I do know my nephew, Jude, and his mum — my sister, Ruth — are due over.

After all, Dr Who’s on.

Which is something to look forward to!

Tonight, though … ?

Tonight, I’ll admit it … 

I’m skint: so, even if I did drink, going to a pub would be tricky.

Assuming, of course, that the pub DOESN’T charge for entry on New /Years Eve.

So … 

What to do … ?

Reach into the collection, obviously.

Tonight’s movie … ?

Millennium … 


Millennium opens on the flight deck of TUA Flight 35.

Just as it has a near miss at 31000 feet, with a DC 10.

Near … 

But fatal.

As the near miss turns out to be a collision that removes a engine from Flight 35: and causes both it and the DC 10 to crash.


In the aftermath of the crash, crash investigator, Bill Smith (Kris Kristofferson), is sent in.

He and his team?

Find oddities about the crashed flight 35: surviving watches running backwards, being the noticeable one …

Including a strange comment on the cockpit flight recorder: one of the crew runs into the cockpit, to announce that the passengers were dead … 

And already burnt to death …

All that … ? 

All that, and Bill meets, and has a brief affair, with Louise Baltimore (Cheryl Ladd).

Little suspecting that Louise has a reason for smoking as much as she does.


Now … 

Was Millennium any good, I hear you ask … ?

I have to give you a qualified no.

Oh, granted, the messy future, a thousand years from now, looks suitable hopeless.

The basic idea — of specialist time-travellers, kidnapping those about to die, to use them to repopulate the world — is pretty solid.

The acting?

Possibly isn’t Ladd or Kristofferson’s best … but at least gets by … 

But … ?

I’ve a sneaking suspicion that Millennium could have been a lot better.

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