
Monday 21 January 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21-1-2019: The Dáil Éireann

21sy January, 2019.

Yes, we’re officially going to be invaded by an eight year: you have officially been warned!

The bit that tickled me last night?

Is that Ruth — my sister, and Jude’s mother — told me last night that Jude likes the idea of being a YouTuber.

Good for him.

But it shows you how big presenters on the platform have gotten.

PewDiePieStampyCat and Zoella, included.

Given that … ?

I think the pair of us are going to have to have a word with Mummy.

iMovie is a handy video editing tool, easy for an eight year to use, and Mac only.

And he’s never going to be able to afford it on his own … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Badwolf† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Badwolf on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The first Dáil Éireann opened on 21st January, 1919.   The Dáil is now the lower house of which country’s legislature?
Q2) It met in the Mansion House in which city?
Q3) That first Dáil approved its country’s Declaration of Independence.   From where?
Q4) It also approved the country’s provisional what: constitution, voting system or currency?
Q5) Finally … Dáil Éireann translates in to English as … … what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Edward Balliol surrendered his claim to the throne: on 20th January, 1356.   The throne of where?
A1) Scotland.
Q2) Every four years, 20th January sees the inauguration of who US government official?
A2) The President.
Q3) 20th January, 1961, saw who sworn into that office?
Q4) 20th January is the (Roman Catholic) feast of Saint Sebastian.   The arrow filled saint is patron of the city of Negombo.   Negombo is in which island nation?
A4) Sri Lanka.
Q5) Finally … ?   20th January, 1095, saw the death of Wulfstan.   He was bishop or where: Southwark, Worcester or Truro?
A5) Worcester.   He was the second of the name to take the seat.   The current incumbent is the Right Reverend Bishop John Inge.
Here’s a thought …
“We declare that we desire our country to be ruled in accordance with the principles of Liberty, Equality, and Justice for all, which alone can secure permanence of Government in the willing adhesion of the people.”
From the Democratic Programme of the First Dáil, also proclaimed on the 21st January, 1919.
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Looks like fun, there, Olga.   I don’t think the lady at the bottom’s seen where that chap’s hand is, though!   As for Derry … ?   I think the possible culprits have been arrested.   But the thought occurred to me: that whoever did it, maybe set it off a day early.   Literally, occurred to me, today.   First Dáil, and all that …

†        Sorry, @Badwolf: it was John F. Kennedy!

‡        It’s possibly worth you while looking for the DVD version: it’s on the US version of Amazon … (Oh, you can use RipIt to turn DVDs into disc images … then rip the images with Handbrake.   Handy for making back up copies … Oh, and you have an email … !)


  1. Q1) Ireland
    Q2) Dublin
    Q3) The United Kingdom
    Q4) Constitution
    Q5) Assembly of Ireland
    Have I posted this twice? Half of the kids I know want to be YouTubers, it seems. I wonder who will do the work to keep the place running...As long as he's happy.

  2. (1) 'Ireland (2) Dublin(3) declared independence from Britain.(4)Voting(5) Assembly of Ireland

  3. I got your email, Paul. Thanks! :)

    1. Ireland
    2. Dublin
    3. the UK
    4. constitution
    5. Assembly of Ireland


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