
Sunday 6 January 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th January, 2019.

6th January, 2019.

Thank GOD for that!

I posted the letter!

JUST so you know … ?

I’ve put in for a provisional driving license: to use as ID for job interviews.

Except of course, me being me?   I forgot to sign the bloody form, before I originally sent it off.

Which got sent back to me, on Friday, and reposted, yesterday … 

Oy … 

Veh … !


I have to admit, this piece floated across my timeline, this morning: catching my attention with it.

The piece tells us that Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, is to delay a vote putting more people onto Universal Credit — the benefit I’m on — for an unspecified amount of time.


I’m … mostly grateful to hear that.

I’m very aware — having been receiving it for a few years, now — that it’s means tested … 

But also paid monthly.

For those of us, like me, used to being paid weekly, the monthly paid Universal Credit is awkward to juggle.

Having had a quick look at Jobseeker’s Allowance, the benefit I would have been on, had I not been shifted to UC?

I’m about ten to twenty pounds worse off a month.

And the Housing Benefit component is paid directly to me: rather than directly to my landlords, as had previously been the case.

NOT something I’m comfortable with.

And yes: I’ve a few arrears that need paying.

The initial delay I faced, in receiving it, when I left the Brentwood branch of KFC?   Didn’t help.

So, seeing the delay is in place?

Is interesting.

But I can’t help think that improvements need doing … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Badwolf† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 6th January is Þrettándinn (thret-toun-dinn), or Thirteenth Night.   Where: Greenland, Iceland or the Faroe Islands?
Q2) 6th January, 1946, saw the first General Election held in which country?
Q3) 6th January, 1367, saw the birth of Richard 2nd of England.   Was he Richard the Lionheart, Richard of Bordeaux or Richard the Glorious?
Q4) Actor, Eddie Redmayne, was born on 6th December, 1982.   What characters play in the Fantastic Beasts franchise?
Q5) Finally … ?   Cnut the Great was crowned as King of England: on 6th January, 1017.   Famously, he tried holding back the … what: sun, moon, stars or tide?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 5th January, 1985, saw the end of Operation Moses: an Israeli expedition to airlift Jewish refugees from … where?
A1) Sudan.
Q2) Those refugees were from refugees from where?
A2) Ethiopia: they were Falasha/Beta Israel, Ethiopian Jews.
Q3) Denis Alibec, Soner Aydoğdu, Dani Pacheco and Eric Fisher, were all born on 5th January, 1991.   Which one of them’s the odd one out?
A3) Eric Fisher.   He plays American football.   Denis, Soner and Dani all play football: the one that’s called soccer, in the US.
Q4) Brian Hugh Warner was born on 5th January, 1969.   He’s better known, how?
Q5) Finally … ?   Jean Benoît Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc d’Aviano was born on 5th January, 1921.   Up until 2000, he was the Grand Duke of where?
Here’s a thought …
“It’s inevitable that the company come back.”
John DeLorean^, January 6, 1925 – March 19, 2005.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        The attraction for witches, Olga?   Remind me to tell you about Headology, at some point!   And it looks like the parades going to be good: I hope it went well.   Castells … ?   You know, there’s something vaguely similar thing over here.   Motorbike pyramids: although I haven’t seen one in years!   (You know, the Castell outfits sound similar to the ones worn by Morris dancing teams …)

†        Nice to see @DaftPhully’s had that anniversary, @Badwolf.   Painting the bathroom, eh … ?

‡        How many timezones away IS Oregon, Debbi?   :D   Either way, nice to have you back on board!   Say hi to Nancy and the family, next time you talk!   (Got another old friend from Portland: although Sean’s now running a game shop in Georgia.   Any time his promos match the Teasers theme I try and give them a like.)

^        You know … that’s a quote that could back fire … 


  1. I’ve just had a look at the Earl Scruggs video, there.

    Am I the only thinking of Alonso from El Ministerio del Tiempo?

  2. (1)Iceland (2) Vietnam (3)Richard of Bordeaux (Due to his place of Birth) (4)David Yates (5) stop the waves coming up the beach

  3. Q1) Iceland
    Q2) Vietnam
    Q3) Richard of Bordeaux
    Q4) Newt Scamander
    Q5) The tide
    You are not wrong about Morris dancers, although no bells and they have to go barefoot, to climb (not the bottom ones). It is more complicated than the motorbike thing, though, as there are many different configurations, with certain numbers per storey, etc, and you have people of all ages (the youngest ones at the top, of course). It is a great way to build community and very inclusive. A nice tradition.
    The parade went well although it was tiring. I've never handed out so much candy in my life! And we collected plenty of presents as well.
    I'm happy to hear you sent your letter out. Fingers crossed!

  4. Oregon is three time zones behind me in Maryland. I'm still in some other zone, as witnessed by my review of "Resolution" to be published on Tuesday on Random and Sundry Things (resurrected).

    1. Iceland
    2. Vietnam
    3. Richard of Bordeaux
    4. Newt
    5. tide

    BTW, enjoyed the episode! Nice bit of Old Who in there, eh? :)


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