
Thursday 14 February 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-2-2019: Saint Valentine’s Day

14th February, 2019.

Righty-ho, then … 

I’ve now officially done … an online assessment test for a potential employer … !


Normally, as you’ve possibly already worked out if you’ve watched the introductory video, they’re something I’m really not found …  easy, especially, to do.

Most of them feature some form of personality inventory: which is where I think I fall apart!


Yesterday’s test, for the Royal Mail … ?

Didn’t feature one.

Whether that means I’ve bagged an interview — with face to face, or on the phone? — is a whole other matter.

Here’s hoping, though …


Just as a quick thought … ?

It’s Saint Valentine’s Day.

You’d possibly noticed, hadn’t you … ?


I’m … always ambiguous about the thing.

Usually, I’ve either been single … or been in the sort of relationship where’s the day’s seen as nice … but mostly, just another day.

What gives me more food for thought … ?

Is the one time I sent a card, I got a … a … 

Let’s call it a bad reaction, and leave it, there, shall we?

At ANY rate … ?

The only thing I am expecting is a Dr Who book.

If you HAVE sent me a card … ?

It’s a bit late!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Olga‡ looking in, to let us know she’s not going to able to visit as often as she’s like.   She’ll be welcome whenever she can.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 14th February is Valentine’s Day.   That’s also the name of a 2007 comedy film from which country … ?
Q2) Valentine’s Day is ALSO an episode in the US version of which comedy series?
Q3) Valentine’s Day is also a David Bowie song: on which of his albums?
Q4) It’s ALSO the name of a song by English band, ABC: from which of their albums?
Q5) The Gary Marshall directed film, Valentine’s Day, was released in which year?
Q6) 2005 film, February 14, is in which Indian language?
Q7) Moving on … ?   The skull of the original Saint Valentine — or one of them — is in the Basilica of Saint Mary in Cosmedin.   Church — and skull — are in which Italian city?
Q8) Saint Valentine’s Key is a charm used in Padua, in Italy.   It’s said to be a cure for what … ?
Q9) Saint Valentine’s Day is said to be associated with what type of love: courtly, unrequited or platonic?
Q10) Finally … The Dia dos Namorados is a similar festival to Saint Valentine’s Day and marked on 12th June.   In which South American country … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 13th February, 2017, saw Kim Jong-nam assassinated at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.   On — apparently — the orders of his brother.   Who was that brother … ?
A1) North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un.
Q2) 13th February, 1462, saw the signing of the Treaty of Westminster.   Between the Edward 4th of England, and whom: the Scottish monarch, the Pope or the Lords of the Isles?
A2) The Lords of the Isles.   (If I’ve understood it correctly, the lords were seriously powerful.)
Q3) The Gerboise Bleue nuclear tests took place: on 13th February, 1960.   These tests meant which country became a nuclear power … ?
A3) France.
Q4) 13th February, 1967, saw the Madrid Codices discovered by American researchers: in the National Library of Spain.   Who authored those codices?
Q5) Finally … ?   The Communist Party of the Soviet Union named its new General Secretary on 13th February, 1984.   Who was he?
Here’s a thought …
“Apollo has peeped through the shutter,
And awaken’d the witty and fair;
The boarding-school belle's in a flutter,
The twopenny post’s in despair;
The breath of the morning is flinging
A magic on blossom and spray,
And cockneys and sparrows are singing
In chorus on Valentine’s day.”
Song for 14th February, Winthrop Mackworth Praed.
And a song from a real singer …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, @Badwolf: did you send Bek a card … ?

†        It’s sort of appropriate, Debbi: Moorcock’s seriously influential.   Dungeons & Dragons would NOT be the same without him: neither would English fantasy^.   (Oh, sorry about the amount of questions, Debbi!   I’m just kicking myself for not mentioning HP Lovecraft!)

‡        Olga, you would be very welcome, whenever you can look in!   This blog would not be the same without you, or Debbi: or, indeed, @Badwolf, herself!   While you there, though?   What did you say the word for a Ministry of Time fan was?   I’ve just started on series two.   (Alonso’s got a lighter!   God help us!)

^        Many fantasy stories tell us about the hero who ins a kingdom, with the help of a kindly wizard, and a magic.   Moorcock’s Elric?   Throws his kingdom away, kills his fiancee, is an evil — or, at least, deeply grey — wizard … and who’s magic sword is deeply malevolent.


  1. (1) United States(2)-The Price Is Right (3) The Next Day. (4)The Lexicon of Love(5)2010 (6) Tamil(7) Santa Maria (8) epilepsy (9)courtly love. (10)Brazil

  2. Ack! Must you? :)

    1. Australia
    2. No idea!
    3. The Next Day
    4. The Lexicon of Love
    5. 2010
    6. Tamil
    7. Rome
    8. epilepsy
    9. courtly
    10. Brazil


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