
Sunday 17 February 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-2-2019: Madam Butterfly

17th February, 2019.

Yes … I’ve got a cold!

Damn it!

I am … well, in a very definite non-McDonalds way?

I’m not loving it.

I’ve also got an earworm: actually I’ve got a couple of them.

I’v got Helicopter, Helicopter and Breakfast — both from The Associates album, Perhaps — banging through my head: at complete cross-purposes … 

Oy … !

The only upside to those tunes … ?

Is that the late Billy McKenzie’s voice is still fantastic … even though the man himself is long gone.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Madama Butterfly debuted on 17th February, 1904.   Madama Butterfly is a … what?
Q2) Who composed Madama Butterfly?
Q3) Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa worked on Madama Butterfly’s what?
Q4) Madam Butterfly is due to marry an American called Pinkerton.   Her real name is … ?
Q5) Finally … ?  Madama Butterfly is set in which Japanese city?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 16th February saw Wallace Carothers receive the US patent for Nylon.   In which year?
A1) 1937.
Q2) True or false: nylon is named after London and New York.
A2) False: the company that made this version, made the name up.
Q3) Famously, Nylon was originally made by which company … ?
A3) DuPont.
Q4) The versions called nylon 6, and nylon 66, are used to make what floor covering?
A4) Carpeting.
Q5) Finally, and famously … ?   Nylon has been to make pairs of what … ?
A5) Stockings.
Here’s a thought …
“I am following my destiny.”
Madama Butterfly, herself.
And a song or two …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yeah: I’m always losing screws, @Badwolf‡!   (One thing I saw?   Suggested putting the screws on a sheet of kitchen paper!)

†        I’ll just sit here and grin, Debbi‡.   :D   (Oh, my copy of Dr Who and The Loch Ness Monster turned up, yesterday.   It’s near the top of my reading list … )

‡        Oh, did either of you list to the playlist at the start of today’s post?   Billy McKenzie’s voice is something else …


    1 second ago
    (1) opera (2)Giacomo Puccini (3) librettist(4)Cho-Cho-San (5)Nagasaki Screw on a sheet of paper is quite a practical thought, as long as on a flat surface so they don't roll away and you spend half your day looking for the missing screw. I lost all the screws to mind my long long ago

  2. I'll have to give it a listen!

    1. opera
    2. Puccini
    3. libretto
    4. Cho Cho San
    5. Nagasaki


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